When YHC first discovered I had somehow mananged to get myself signed up for the 2022 edition of QvQ, and then discovered that I would be paired off against Ultraman in the first round, I experienced an immediate moment of panic knowing that only the best of workouts would be able to defeat this mighty opponent.

Inspiration can come from many places, and mine came from last week's unfortunate passing of wrestling legend Scott Hall (AKA Razor Ramon).  With mid-90s nostalgia coursing through my skull, a WWE inspired beatdown was created.

32 PAX gathered at The Sword to witness the epic battle


Soundtrack: "We're All Together Now" (theme to Monday Night RAW)

  • Mosey to back of parking lot (high knees, buttkickers, karaoke, flapjack karaoke)
  • SST x 20 IC
  • Toy Soldier x 15 IC 
  • IST x 15 IC

32 PAX go to get blocks which takes what feels like forever

Soundtrack: "Bad Boy" (Razor Ramon Entrance Theme)




  • The Stone Cold Stunner
    • Carry block on shoulder and lunge walk to the end of the parking lot
    • Turn around
    • Move block to other shoulder and lunge walk back

Soundtrack: "Stone Cold Steve Austin Entrace Theme"

  • The Tombstone Piledriver
    • Hug block in front of the body and deep squat OYO until track changes
    • Somehow this song is 3 minutes and 21 seconds long, which is a lot of deep squats

Soundtrack: "Rest in Peace" (The Undertaker Entrance Theme)


  • The Heart Break Kid
    • Side Lunges with Block in cadence from side to side until song is over
    • These songs are longer in reality than they are on paper

Soundtrack: "Sexy Boy" (Shawn Michaels Entrance Theme)


  • The DX Chop
    • Everyone on your six
    • Glute Bridge with blocks x 50 IC

Soundtrack: "D-Generation X" (DX Entrance Theme)


  • The People's Elbow
    • Lay on left side
    • Variety of Pilates exercises (front-front, back-back, double toe taps, counterclockwise small leg circles, clockwise small leg circles) IC
    • Repeato on right side

Soundtrack: "Know Your Role" (The Rock Entrance Theme)




Time for YHC to turn things over to Ultraman.  "Do you want us to put the blocks back?"  "Nope."

Ladder Time!

  • 10 block curls on one side of the parking lot
  • Push (or Zamparini) block to other side of the parking lot
  • 1 'Merkin
  • Push back and do 9 curls, 2 Merkins, etc. until all the way down to 1/10
  • At one point the count got off, and in a show of true manliness and self-accountability, Ultraman did three penalty burpees
  • Return blocks and use the last few minutes for some well deserved stretching

Recover.  Recover.  NOR.  Announcements.  COT.


  1. ? Thanks to the PAX who came out to support – your attendance was greatly appreciated!
  2.  Special thanks to Ultraman who was a great and worthy opponent.
  3.  Apologies to Amen for not going all the way with my Stone Cold getup – I couldn't find a knee brace, I was not willing to rock a goatee, and as tempting as it might have been, soaking myself in two celebratory beers and driving home probably would not have been a wise decision.
  4. Yes I've owned those jean shorts since high school.