R&B Bricks

Event Date

May 12, 2021

Four fellas came to Muscle Beach to move some bricks, listen to the soothing sounds of R&B and avoid the coming rainstorm.  We batted 1.000.


SSH, Windmill, ‘Pickers and Arm circles (little to big)

The Thang

Come get yo’ bricks. Two in a pair. Do a bunch of different exercises with the aid of bricks. Most of these were accompanied by the “hold” feature about halfway thru the reps before finishing the reps

  • 10 part man maker mercans

  • WWII with chest fly on the down

  • Decline mercans

  • Incline mercans

  • Squats with OH press

  • Front raise

  • Side raise

  • Front row (trapezious)

  • Reverse shoulder flies

  • Chicken wing row

  • Bent over row

  • Gun show curls

  • Hammer curls with OH Press

  • Wrist curls in

  • Wrist curls out

  • Walking lunges

  • Squats

  • Apollo Anton Ono

  • Diamond brick mercans

  • Skull crusher

  • Tri extensions

  • Dips

  • Dying cockroach

  • Ankle taps

  • OH Pull crunch

  • Crunchy frog

  • Leg lifts with bricks with each Pax counting down from 10 at their preferred pace, twice


  • Not sure of it was the Bricks, R&B music, the chance of precipitation or the Q for the light attendance. Its complicated

  • Today’s attendance was way better than yesterday’s slapped together swim practice tho. Upon reflection, I don’t think I ever really got any positive affirmation besides the sharing of a bunch of phallic/ball shaped tri course pics. .

  • First swim of the year was definitely a bit rougher than I remembered it being but we still got time until race day

  • What, no Brick House on the mix tape?

  • Hold it….

  • Pavers are for pussies. Yeah, I said it

  • Potential for practice tri on Saturday am if there is any interest

  • Rambler first timer for the bricks. Consider him enlightened

  • Save gas, fart in a jar. You always find your way back to the classics

  • Prayers for BOF and his wife Debbie who is recovering from the surgery she had last week

  • Rain held off just in time as it started on the way home

  • We hold these truths as self-evident – bricks never disappoint

  • That was a solid fellas