
Event Date

Jun 25, 2016


Comet made 9 at SVU's latest Saturday beatdown.  All came to get better.  Everyone went home tired and better for it.  YHC's initial plan was to do a Gathering-palooza running based workout…I know, big surprise. Then…I hear a genuine leg soreness concern from recent beatdowns…OK…re-calculating…less running.  Then another brother mentions he's a little gimpy and the foot isn't healing and <ugh> he may need to consider his BRR plans…ugh…re-calculating.

So…pretty much, I was wingin' it…more than normal…taking suggestions from the nefarious pax…sometimes became harder…OK, most of the ideas made it harder.  That's the overall story.  Here's how it all went down…

Warm Up:

  • 20IC (IC = in cadence) SSH 
  • 10IC alternating lunges
  • 10IC copperhead merkins…YHC "hey guys, forgot my gloves today, so we might not be doing many of these…"  #muchRejoicing…Dandelion (the ne'er wearer of gloves) initiates a gentle yet impactful taunting about "never understand why you guys need gloves anyways"…a few keyboard jockeys comment about callouses on their fingertips from typing…few other giggles…..RE-CALCULATING
  • 10IC windmills
  • 10IC Tony Hawks

Mosey over to the little hill:

  • karaoke up (switch sides half way), butt kickers down
  • side-to-side shuffle up (switch sides half way), mosey down
  • at Dandelion's inspiration…Bear Crawl UP! #lessRejoicing #CrowdPleaser,
  • at Metro's inspiration…10 burpees…and mosey back
  • "I thought we weren't gonna do too many things on our hands"
  • ….well…Re-Calculating

Mosey back to the back…everyone grab a block

  • 3 rounds of max pull ups
  • 10IC curls for the girls
  • 10IC copper head shoulder presses
  • some number of 12-count (figured out AFTER the exercise) 3-position block merkin thingies that I still can't even adequately explain…T-claps to all the encouraging (and somewhat random) counting…YHC didn't really help.  Let's just say we did a merkin with left hand on the block, then did a merkin with both hands on the block, then a third merkin with right hand on the block.  I am accepting potential names for said weird exercise.  It has a lot of potential.
  • TRAIL RUN…10 merkins at the bottom of the hill…do LBC's when you return until the last guy makes it, who then does 20 LBC's
  • (aching tri's forced me to ignore the suggestion to do copperhead skull crushers…ugh…that's gonna suck when someone does that)
  • I think this is about the time someone mentioned the workout was half over.  #paxGroan…muahahahaha….I wanted to run but NOOOOO, you guys had to be hurt…
  • 10IC skull crushers
  • we might have done some squats here…the downfall of a Re-calculating workout followed by subsequent low oxygen levels….maybe 10IC block squat thrusters?
  • 10IC curls…10 second countdown…5IC curls…10 seconds…5 curls…10s…5 curls…10s…5 curls…10s…5 curls…10s…5 curls…10s…5 curls…10s…5 curls…10s
  • (I don't know about you, but my bi's are feeling it…maybe not ideal with Murph coming Monday…)
  • TRAIL RUN – everyone LBC's until the last person does 10….or at least until somebody pretending to be the last person yells out 10…or somethin'

Mosey back to the front for a quick swig of water.  Re-Calculating….

Now, a runners gotta run, and there's only so much holding back one can expect from the Q.  Check this out…"To help us prepare for the mile run at the Murph Monday, we are going to do a gathering run to the ClubHouse and back."  That's right guys, we did that for you.  The guys that are injured could mosey as needed.  The guys making up the 130 bpm workout target could mosey/walk (just kidding, relax).  Everyone had a nice scalable final fatigue-ization.


  • 15IC LBC's
  • 10IC box cutters
  • 10IC reverse toe touchers….fun chatter about how not having a gut helps
  • 10IC fire hydrant's right
  • 10IC fire hydrant's left
  • we imagined doing American Hammers real quick

Reflection:  1 Corinthians 10:13

  • "No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it."
  • Your temptations are not unique to you.  Don't build it up an un-conquerable.  Don't be so prideful.  Quite the opposite; we all struggle with temptations.  Resist brothers.
  • You can resist the temptation!  Phillipians 4:13
  • Pick out one of your main temptations.  Find scripture that gives you strength.  Find scripture you can memorize and have on your heart.  Find scripture that will give you a way of escape. 
  • When Jesus was tempted in the dessert, His response all 3 times was to quote scripture.  It's a good benchmark for fighting the temptations that haunt you.
  • For me, it's Phillipians 4:8 "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.


  • LightBulb mentioned this… "a link to the article I was telling you about this morning.  It's Part 3 to a series titled "The Royal Race".  I thought it is really well written and goes along with your reflection well.
  • T-claps to Atlantis for giving me some more swimming tips.  Dude has time to let me jump in first (APPARENTLY TO MAKE SURE THE WATER ISN'T ELECTRIFIED…or something), watch me swim out, then catch up and pass me, then breast stroke, then watch my swimming form at the buoy…then breast stroke back…pass me like it's nothing and then watch my form some more.  Dude's fast.  He says I'm getting better…up to SlowPoke level now…haha…very grateful for the advise…I'll keep working on it.
  • We are planning an "All Hands On Deck" convergence at Lincolnton some time in July.  Details TBD.
  • Murph is Monday.  5:30am sharp at Mustang and at SVU.

Always an honor to lead you guys.

Have a great week Fellas.
