Reaching Across the Aisle

8 Pax showed up strong this morning at #TheEstate” for election themed workout. However, the best plans aren’t always well executed (like YHC’s attempt today)…


Warm A Rama at Camp David (IC):

-Slow windmill x10

-Dwight Schrute/Slippery Dip Can/Carrot Pullers/Long Snapper x10

-Toy soldiers x 15 (30)

-IST x 20 (40)

-Side straddle hop x 30 (60)


“Running for Office”:

Mosey to the field for a 3-2-1-find a “running mate” with another pax for some Dora

-300 lbc’s while running mate laps

-200 WWII while running mate laps

-100 ‘Merkins while running mate laps

(Baller did a great job as YHC’s partner, dude can do some fast ‘Merkins)


“Stretching the truth”:

-Mobility moment


Mosey from the field back to Camp David


“Crossing Party Lines”:

-Alternate jumping over parking lines x15 (30)

-On your belly facing partner, do a patty cake ‘Merkin, by extending one arm to slap the hand of your partner’s extended opposite arm x20 (Snake Eyes is an excellent Patty Cake Merkin partner)

-Alternate jumping over parking lines x15 (30)


“Charting a path forward”:

-Mountain-climbers x20 (40)


“Donkey” Kicks:

-Down dog, then leg raises to sky x10 each leg (20)

-Down dog then leg push outs x10 each leg (20)


Mosey to the AirForce One lot

“Against the political wall”

-Praying mantis x25 (50)


“Down a point & up a point”

-MH’s x15 (30)

-Squats x20 (40)


“Creating a path forward”

-25 mountain climbers (50)


“Crunch the numbers”:

-Pillow talk x20 each side (40)

-Pretzel crunch (both sides) x20 (40)

-Freddy Mercury x20 (40)

-Heels to heaven reverse crunch x15 (30)


“Reaching across the aisle”

Patty Cake ‘Merkins with a partner (again) but with a twist. Snake Eyes wanted to make them Shoulder Touch Patty Cake ‘Merkins (that extra step is tricky) x20

“Running for Office”:

Mosey back to Camp David

Unfortunately we ran out of time before we could complete the “Elephant walk”.


Recover Recover

Circle of Trust/Namarama


Lesson learned: YHC has planned to weave in Kid Rock and Taylor Swift to honor both presidential candidates. However, trying to do a playlist, read a weinke, and mitigate mumble-chatter is no easy task. All Pax pushed hard today and are better because of it.

Baller, Burning Bush, Frogger, GinNJuice, Happy Gilmore, Jaws, and Snake Eyes all got it done today.  YHC challenges anyone to have a ‘Merkin contest with Baller. He does them in lightning speed! He is a beast though. Snake Eyes got in his should touch ‘Merkins, albeit via patty cake style. Frogger still believes in the mighty power of the toilet bidet. GinNJuice wondered what he has gotten himself into by joining this unruly group of Isotope pax. Jaws wants to be a boot camper again. He is also secretly a Swiftie. Happy Gilmore is gearing up for an anniversary trip. We hope you guys have a great time bro! 

Thanks for allowing YHC to start his Saturday off on the right foot.

Prayer Requests:

-Happy Gilmore’s friend, Dan, passed away about his battle with cancer. Please help bring peace to those who knew and loved him.

-Burning Bush’s stepmother found a “spot on an x-ray. Please pray for positive results.

-Baller’s daughter is having an ultrasound today. Prayers appreciated.

-Remember Pax who have aging parents who are struggling with caregiving and/or health issues.

-Unspokens in all F3 circles.

-Marriages within F3.


-Ponch-Needs volunteers on September 25-27 from 3-9pm to help as “extras” for police officer training/simulation

-9 Lives is leading an adventure race in October 26 called “neck of the woods” look for info on Twitter and sign up here:


The F3 mission statement is “to plant, grow, and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership”. 

F3 5 Core Principles:

Workouts …

  • Are free of charge
  • Are open to all men
  • Are held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold
  • Are led by men who participate in the workout in a rotating fashion, with no training or certification necessary
  • End with a Circle of Trust

The F3 mission statement is “to plant, grow, and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership”. 

There are plenty of Q slots at all AO’s. Please sign up. For new Pax, volunteer to lead/Q (we’ll help you co-Q). For you seasoned guys, sign up for some Q’s.

Invite a FNG or brother you haven’t seen in a while who’s a Kotter. Invite that #just1 who needs you more than you know (an invitation is a powerful thing brothers). If none of those work for you, just show up. No one will be left behind, but it all starts with the discipline to take one.

Until next time…

(aka Tobra Commander, Tobra Kai, Tobi-Wan, Teletoby, Tobias, Tobadia, “Toe”bee, TobyMac, Tob-lerone, TOB-the-wet-sprocket, Mr TOBoto, etc.)
