Ready set go Murph!

Space Cowboy not on site.

The thang: We launched for take off for mile 1 at 5:30 on the dot, Cally said we were a minute early as he caught up to us.  As always many PAX forgot it was the Murph and were not happy as they left their KB in their car.  Many also forgot headlamps, with that said I almost collided with Spitfire on the Mile 1 run.   Next up, 100 pull ups, 200 merkins, 300 squats.  We had many different calls to start exercise:  Let’s go, ready set go….. Either way the Murph is a great opportunity for PAX that have not Q’ed to call exercise, cadence etc.  You all are not ready set go to Q, so step it up!!!!!!!!!!   Spitfire thank you for helping me with keeping count of the 10 rounds with some nice big pieces of mulch.  Mile 2 back.  Mary:  Einstein called Freddy Mercury for missing Riverboat and Greyhound called crunchy frog for missing Stromboli.  Greyhound thanks for taking us out in prayer.  Many opportunities to volunteer with month, I cant remember the dates so check out twitter posts.