Really Only Competing With Yourself at the Redneck Olympics

FNG-2 Pick Ax

FNG-3 Bronco



10 Toy Soldiers IC

10 Windmills IC


The Thang

team up in groups of 3 or 4

Mosey to the track

All exercises were AMRAP and added up as a team

5 minutes of max burpees 

mosey to the home bleachers 

5 minutes box jump then 1 burpee on each step. To the top and back count as 1

back to the track

5 minutes 50 yard shuttle run. There and back counts as 1

to the pull-up bars 

6 minutes of AMRAP pull-ups as a team

back to the track

5 minutes AMRAP WWI as a team

to the baseball field hill 

5 minutes of AMRAP mosey down quadraphelia back up and 2 merkins counts as 1 

3 minutes left Kaczynski thought we should do Merkins

3 minutes of AMRAP merkins as a team

Recover Recover


Psalms 45:6 NLT 

Your throne, O God, endures forever and ever. You rule with a scepter of justice. 


Ziploc was very concerned at the beginning he wasn't going to get the workout that he woke up early for

Most PAX didn't appreciate the personal nudge that they got from YHC for this workout

Shoes may have gotten wet even though they were promised to not get in the grass

Cornholio may have swallowed a bee or the whole bee hive

Heisman did more pull-ups than Boucher. Runners arms are a real thing

Twinkle thought the amount of running was perfect, because he will not run two days in a row

Clubber is out of retirement

Einhorn at 265 did more pull-ups with better form than YHC. I am not even a runner

Spork hurt his shoulder so he took it easy on the WWI's

Thank you guys and gal for humoring me and posting thinking that we would have some sort of fun competition. 
