9 PAX came together to rebuild at Man Maker.
It was great to see everyone. Wow, I thought I maintained something through my home gym efforts, but nope, that 1st Q back was a struggle.
Bagboy, Little Professor, Deep Dish, Omega, Soprano, Hippie (with Wilson) Canuck and Cousine Eddie were all in attendence. Mummle chatter was at a minimum, so I assume we are all working our way back.
We performed some semblance of the following https://f3lakenorman.com/announcement/man-maker-monday-51120-virtual-version with modifications of course.
So far Ultraman performed the virtual. I will add individuals as they respond.
People keep asking if I’m back. And I haven’t really had an answer. But now, yeah, I’m thinking I’m back! John Wick