Recess at The Mighty Oak

9 Pax turned out for fun-filled morning gloom recess at Mighty Oak and DryRub's first Q in maybe 2 years.  I just don't remember.  Broken bones and laziness held me back for a while, and it is a blessing to be back with the LKN Pax.  Before starting the beatdown, Delta, named about a month ago at The Mighty Oak, flewover The Mighty Oak at 5:25am.  We learned that Amen and Tuffy showed with their hoops game today.  Shooting free throws after the block station is a disadvantage.  I need to remove that jack of burpees from the card deck next time.  Merkins are not a legit Mary exercise for some but definitely pair well with JLo featuring Amen.


The standard stuff with 80s rock classics on the JBL.  A little mosey through the parking lot, then circle up for: 25 SSH (IC), 10 Merkins (IC),  a few arm circles fwd/rewind, 15 IST (IC), 15 cotton pickin' carrot pulling 'lil professor long snappers (IC).

The Thang – divided the Pax into 2 groups, and each group rotated through the stations described below for some fun recess time at the Oak:

Free Throw Station – Each man shoots a free throw before each exercise. For each free throw made, subtract 3 from the total count. All in cadence. Take turns leading the count.

  1. 15 Merkins
  2. 15 Mountain Climbers
  3. 15 Carolina Dry Docks
  4. 15 Monkey Humpers
  5. 15 Squats
  6. Run one lap, then repeato.

Block Station – All in cadence.Take turns leading the count.

  1. 10 High Curls
  2. 10 Overhead Presses
  3. 10 Skull Crushers
  4. 10 Lawn Mowers
  5. 20 Chest Presses
  6. Run a lap. Repeato.

Card Station – Draw a F3 workout card. Perform exercise using these reps: Card # + 10, Royal = 25, Ace = 100.  Take turns drawing and leading the exercise until each man has led once.  Run one lap, then repeato.

Mary – 25 LBC (IC), 15 low flutter (IC), 3 x homer to marge, 10 Merkins (IC), JLo (featuring Amen, I zoned out on count, but they were IC), and 30ish-second plank.  

Recover Recover

During coffeeteria, we talked about first world problems, like ice preference in drinks, ice cube trays, how to make a cheap iced coffee at Starbucks, chicken wing shortages, smoking/grilling meat (my name is DryRub!), and opening restaurants.