Reckoning Month

Ah, fall is in the air.  What a fine time to be alive, no offense Moses.  A couple handfuls of men ran in a big circle and drank coffee at the end.  Now back to how awesome today was.  Cool air, some would say a chill to it.  Nice conversation, a hill here and there, a pace too fast for YHC, and a Christmas morning kind of feel as college football will start tonight.  
One of the great things about college football is how it takes more than just 1 guy to make a legend.  In tennis, you don't even need a sister to be great, you can literally do it on your own.  Golf, same thing, no team work, no sacrifice, no fun to watch. However, In football, one amazing player really doesn't do much unless you surround him with other amazing players….kinda like a relay team.  Now in basketball, you can have one amazing player and if you just simply give him the ball without it being stolen from the other team, he will shoot from half court and make a lot of them, and probably win most of the time.  Then he will beat on his scrawny little chest and act like he's Jesus' shorter less handy around the house brother.  This is the guy we don't want to be.  This is the guy we definitely don't want to celebrate, he can't even grow a decent beard.  Know this, all the championship rings and honorary diplomas and doctorates from a school that doesn't even have a doctoral program and of course the parades using fuel efficient drones to splatter biodegradable confetti all over your woke little village means nothing at the end.  It's about who you take with you, not what they GIVE you.

You see friends, college football is alot like life, and relay races.  It's cool, I'll get there, keep pushing through…

A great quarter back is nothing without a great receiver and line.  Without Rice, there is no Montana, without Novacek there is no Aikman, without Yeast there is no Couch and without that player's girlfriend, there is no Gottfried.  In relay races, we've seen some of the most talented runners in all of F3 fail when their teams dwindled down to 2, we've seen training and diet and sobriety and knockoff garmin watches and lulu racing gear render it self useless compared to the power that comes in community and fellowship.  I'm not arguing against personal goals, I'm just sharing with you the fact that nobody cares.  Especially us, and your wife, and your FB friends.  What people care about is you, as a person, getting in a van, embracing the suck, eating the uncrustables, and having a heckuva time.  Because without a full team nobody gets to achieve their dreams.  Now our colonial team is full, no, no, don't you even ask, it's full!  We love you but the swag has been ordered, the legs have been assigned and you missed your chance, that is on You!
Fortunately for you, scrappy lost his break dancing competition and Tuna needs a runner.  Call Jaws with your HC.

oh and thanks to BEP for once again reminding me how much I need fellowship in my life,  you are a hero!


Hugs and Kisses, Jolly
