
Event Date

Jan 02, 2019

Disclaimer: Standard disclaimer was not issued as all posting were regulars.
Additional Disclaimer: Stats used in the workout may be skewed by tacos and solo runs.

In looking back at 2018, we will recognize a few of our PAX for their hard work.
A 5 burpee penalty will be issued for any PAX who is recognized, but not present.  

Warm up:
ROL Stretch, LOR Stretch
Parking lot mosey (zigzag with some shuffle and karaoke) 
ROL Stretch, LOR Stretch (again)
10 IC Windmills

The Thang:

Mosey to the track, stopping in front of the field house.
In 2018 I lead 16 workouts.  I would like to recognize the PAX of Mustang for allowing me those opportunities, and in return I give you: 16 Burpees OYO

Mosey to the 50 yard line on the track.  
In 2018 The highest number of Q's for a Denver PAX goes to Skipper at 50 led workouts.  Let us recognize his efforts with 25 IC Pickle Pounders (for a total of 50).  Many variations of comments were made about the exercise I selected to "recognize" Skipper.   **Forgot to do the 5 burpee penalty here, but since we dont expect Skipper at Mustang anyway, it is a mute point.

Mosey to the far side of the track to the scoreboard area, where I then say "everyone get 2 bricks".  For a second there was some confusion and amazement as most PAX did not even know there were two huge stacks of bricks there.  Next we recognize a man who has stepped up and really pulled the weight of Q'ing the later part of 2018 to help keep F3 alive.  With a total of 38 Q's from our very own, Mulligan!  We will recognize him with 19 IC curls (38 total). 

While we are here lets do:

  • 10 IC Tricept kick backs – R arm
  • 10 IC Tricept kick backs – L arm
  • 10 IC Chainsaws – R arm
  • 10 IC Chainsaws – L arm (now called weed eater cranks)

Return the bricks.

Next we honor our highest number of post for 2018.  Mater!! With an astounding 177 workouts!! t-claps brother!  Not only was he highest in Denver, he was highest count in all of our region.  We recognize him with 177 seconds (approx 3 minutes) of running backwards. Since Mater is the world's best backwards driver…

A few honorable mentions on attendance were:
Skipper at 159 post – we already recognized him and we don't want to give him a big head, so we'll move on…
Clark at 150 post – Any guesses what exercise we'll do here to recognize him?  Various SSH forms!!
25 IC plank jacks
25 IC Seal jacks (for a total of 150)

Hefty at 150 post as well! – Creative fella here, I cannot think of any one exercise to recognize him with. So we'll go with squats.  BUT wait!  Hefty is not here, 5 burpees first!
25 IC Squats
25 IC Copperhead Squats
25 IC Pick-up squats (for a total of 150)
The PAX were sharp this morning.  They inform me that IC Copperhead squats still only count as 25, so…
25 IC (more) Copperhead Squats (Thanks to Ziploc for calling cadence on these so I could catch my breath.)

Mosey back to the launchpad.

In recognition of Ziploc Q'ing 35 workouts:
35 IC LBC's
Followed by a round-robin of exercises as each PAX picked and exercise and called the cadence.

In closing, I would like to say that there is something about each one of you worthy of recognition!  Every man out here brings something to the table.  Leadership, Motivation, Inspiration, Dedication.  I could not name you all (in 45 minutes) but appreciate each and every one of you individually, and collectively.  Let's push each other in 2019.  Physically, but more importantly in our faith and relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!  


Psalm 8:3-4

3 When I look at the night sky and see the work of your fingers—
    the moon and the stars you set in place—
4 what are mere mortals that you should think about them,
    human beings that you should care for them?

Isn't it amazing that our God, Creator of all things, knows us, cares for us, and hears us!  Let's end this workout by giving recognition to Him in prayer.  


  • To my knowledge, no one made eye contact during the pickle pounders
  • Farting was on fleek!  Many PAX participating, and often…
  • Good to have Closer out with us, and an overall good headcount for a weekday.