Record Numbers at a Canceled Workout

I sent the following Tweet yesterday, "Following the guidelines put out by the Board regarding workouts YHC has decided to cancel #HalfLife for at least the next 2 weeks This doesn't mean you can't show up, I plan to continue working on improving my pace, it just means the workouts will be OTB"

I was quite surprised by how many guys showed up this morning, the most since I took over as MQ! Fortunately, we were under the newly imposed "legal limit" of 10.

It was decided we'd head to Hough to do some track work. We did break the social distancing barrier on the run there but quickly separated once we hit the track.


  • Thank you to all that showed…I think each of us needed it from a social perspective more than a fitness perspective
  • Little Finger rolled in after we had finished the SDCOT, great to see him even though he is in a boot for the next few months
  • Shortly after LF showed up, Fresh Prince came in with homemade waffles, maple syrup, and coffee. So much for the social distancing!! Regardless, it was an extremely kind gesture and all of us enjoyed the 2ndF
  • I'd like to give a special shout out to PT for pushing/motivating/encouraging/coaching me this morning. Thank you, brother!
  • As always, I am thankful for every one of you. I really don't want to think about what my life would be like had I not been EH'd by Mailman almost 7 years ago, especially during a time like this.

Thoughts and prayers,
