Recycled Q brought new pain.

Love Shack allowed me the honor or leading this fine group and heres what happened.  3 men gathered early at 4:45 to meet then standard and get in 3.4 miles at a 2nd F pace while dodging cars we discussed the upcoming fantatsy football season.  Its never to early to start.  After returning from our jont we waited the rest of the pax to assemble and they all filed in and we launched promplty at 5:30.  Mosey to the backside of the chuch along the sidewalk, one person broke the rules and took the road around.  Include butt kickers to loosen up.  


Burpies x 25 OYO.  Everyone called BS motorboat started to walk away but decided to stay.  Senator was really grumpy!  To bad Chief was in the fartsack he loves burpies.  

Cotton Pickers x 10, IST x 10

Mosey behind medical buildings for the Thang.  Top of parking lot brick wall is the top for Power ups Mosey down to the first Island thats the middle top for 8 count body builders, bottom middle is by the bottom isalnds for squats and the bottom is all the way down the road by the storage container.  Directioins.  Round 1 10 Merkins at the bottom stop at each stop for 1 rep of each excersize going up and coming back down.  10 merkins at the bottom and wall sit on the container until everyone is done.  Round 2 was the same 5 Squats 2 8 count BB 5 power ups 10 merkins at the bottom every time.  Continue the same adding 5 at each except 8 count bb added 1 each time until we got to 5.  

Mosey back to the parking lot for Mary

Low Flutter x 30

LBC x 25


Great cool morning to get some work in.  I thought everyone was cold so thats why we started with all the burpies.  

Lear pointed out the progress that Deepend has made since joining F3 and its fun to watch him continue to get faster and stronger.  Great Job Deepend

Dewey might not have called BS on the burpies but he was the only 1 

Nymph forgot his burpie shoes. but he loves 8 count BB

The Respects in the group outnumber everyone else and put in some serious work.  Inspiring to see what they do.  

As always its a honor to lead this group.