Recycling Is Good For The PAX

Event Date

Nov 13, 2019

Good turnout and I decided to recycle an oldie but a goodie …. PAX seemed to enjoy it

Warm Up

20 x SSH IC

21 x Monkey Humpers IC #TryingToGetAReaction

20 x Pickle Pounders IC

20 x ISTs IC

Head to Catawba springs playground … plank for 6

The Thang

If you finish early you plank, everyone is planking then it is time to move onto next exercise

30 x Pull-up bar knees to chest with full lap

30 x burpees and full lap

30 x hand release merkins with full lap

30 x squats with full lap

30 x LBCs with full lap

30 x pull-ups with full lap

30 x Step ups on picnic table each leg with full lap


25 x LBCs IC


Psalms 18:29

In Your strength I can crush an army; with my God I can scale any wall

There is power in being a believer to conquer what life may challenge us with, regardless how big.


  • Yes it was cold but didn’t stay that way very long … we got after it and warmed up with a quickness
  • Mater accused me of playing Mario Cart around the track #DroppingBombs #ItWasntMe #Shaggy
  • Clark getting very personal
  • Good turnout for a brisk morning and got to meet Boucher
  • Twinning with Scope

  • PAX wasn't very chatty as a whole, maybe it was the early burpees