Red Dragon at DragonSlayer

Event Date

Oct 19, 2023

Last week at Dragonslayer, only Stray and myself showed up to tackle the rain and try and get a beatdown in, and I thought to myself, surely this won’t happen two weeks in a row and we’ll get some PAX out there this week, so I picked up the Q again.

Showed up early to get a standard in and was surprised to see a visitor from F3 Greensboro (FNG-1) visiting in town named Red Dragon came to get a beatdown before his meetings.  With a name like his, he had to come check out Dragon Slayer for sure! How cool is it that we can travel to so many places where F3 has a presence and experience the same community and brotherhood?  Can’t get that by going to gyms!

When I arrived I also realized that I forgot my kettlebell at home and Red Dragon didn’t have one either, so had to quickly modify the workout to make sure we utilized all the fun toys at HAP.

Quick 1 mile standard in and was glad to see 4 other PAX in the parking lot waiting to get after it. Let’s go.


  • Lap around the track
  • 25 SSH in cadence
  • 10 slow squats in cadence (10 pulse squats at end)
  • Lap around the track

The Thang: (This is where YHC had to quickly modify to account for six pax and only 3 kettlebells)

Switched to Tabata where PAX rotated every 30 seconds and was able to get through two rounds

  • 30 seconds of curls in cadence x2
  • 30 seconds of battle ropes
  • 30 seconds of shoulder press
  • 30 seconds of squats
  • 30 seconds of battle ropes
  • 30 seconds of merkins
  • 5 pullups


Mosey to wall – performed these exercises twice

  • Wall sits for 30 seconds 
  • Wall touch for 30 seconds 
  • Run up and down hill in front of HAP


Mosey to track (Shared space with 6 am group that showed up loud and in charge)

  • Dora work – Zamperini around the track with kettlebell 
    • While one person zamperinis with kettlebell, partner runs around track and switches when they catch up until kettlebell crosses the starting point
  • 4 minute plank work
    • 1 minute standard plank
    • 1 minute side plank – switch sides 30 seconds
    • 1 minute in and out plank
    • 1 minute up and down plank

Recover, recover


  • Strong work by PAX and thanks for rolling with the modified Q
  • Great to see Chilly Willy getting out there again.  Hope your recovery continues to progress well
  • Surprise visitor from F3 Greensboro, Red Dragon (super cool name – we need to get better at our naming), killed it.  Looks like they get after it up in Greensboro as well
  • Smokey loves hills.  During our hill repeats, he showed off and left us trying to catch up.  Strong work
  • Cherry Bomb Q’d night ranger last night and still came out. Strong.  Said he was hurt a bit, couldn’t tell at all!
  • Slingshot quietly gets after it and is always so good and making others feel welcome no matter what AO he goes to.  Heard him chatting it up with Red Dragon and thanks for taking the time to do that!
  • Due to subpar attendance over the course of the last six months and based off feedback from PAX, Dragon Slayer will be moving to St Marks in November.  That should be a more central location for everyone and hope attendance will grow as a result.
  • Christmas Party Dec 1st.  Nantan has declared babies less than 6 months old can attend.  


  • Continued prayers for Toby, Mulligan, and Jorel who recently lost loved ones and are continuing to deal with coping with this loss.

Until next time, See you in the Gloom.