Red Light District

Event Date

Aug 30, 2022


11 of the fastest pax in Isotope hit the red light district at Fallout. Here is their story:

Dislcaimer…don't search #bb on Twitter. At least not on its own. Add in @F3Isotope and all will be right with the world. If not you will find yourself in the Red Light District. Not the kind that is blaring an alarm because the Sh!tt@rs Full all morning at the Richard Barry Park track. The kind that only The Force and Gambini will warn you about. 

The pax came to work. We ran hills. We crushed burpees. We all called cadence with blocks. And we finished with sprinting the longs and recovering the shorts on the track. Sometimes once, sometimes twice but always AMRAP until it was time to satisfy The Force's WWII cravings. 

The Force has two hard sprints in him that are always accompanied by a forearm shiver. Gambini is convinced that this will get easier if he bunks with 6 dudes at Tuna. Seems to be better than spending the weekend with The Colonel's family. Grabbed too many beers at the Monday night family cookout…allegedly. Told his bro in law he would get him home early the next morning but they had to make a stop. So we welcomed FNG Mike who sells boats and crushes burpees. Strong brother. It will not get easier but you will get stronger. Elmers and 66 were very fond of the multi lap sprints sessions and finished first each time. They tried but you can't outwork Hoff. Auto is always there, even on the westside. Fudd loves trackwork. Beginning to think he lives at the track right next door to Drebin who is constantly sprinting past his front door. 

It was another lovely morning at the Richard Barry track. So lovely that The Force doesn't want you to post there tomorrow. He would rather you go to Grand Oak at 0530. Either way, make sure you register for the Operation Sweet Tooth 8K:

It is always an honor to lead this group of men. We pushed harder, went faster, ran more hills, and lifted more blocks than whatever it is that Cherry Bomb did at FKT. Freakin' Laketope. Thanks for the opportunity to Q at Fallout Gambini. Thanks to the LFC Men's Ministry for the EH (Email Headlock in my case) and to the pax for the constant encouragement and motivation. Go out in the world today and make a positive impact in someone else's life. If you don't know how to do that, just ask them to do burpees with you. We could all use more burpees in our lives. Until the next time…



