Red Rover

Event Date

Feb 20, 2018

Five dudes came out on a foggy and misty morning to move on over for Red Rover. Unfortunately the event failed to live up to its lofty expectations.


Front skip, backwards skip, Karaoke x 2, Backwards run, SSH, TS, Windmills and Cherry pickers

The Thang

Two rows of 5 exercises located at each end of the parking lot. Each exercise is 12 reps. Do an excercise then run vertically/diagonally across the parking lot to the next exercise, in a loosely veiled attempt at correlating this action with Red Rover. This was apparenty crystal clear in Q's mind, but there were some challenges in sharing this vision/delusion.  Continue this pattern (back and forth) until you complete all ten stations

One side of parking lot:

  • Alternating Mercans with one hand on cinder block

  • Upright row with 30lb kettle

  • Gun show curls with 20lb kettles

  • Up and downs with 12lb medicine ball

  • Squat and OH press with cinder

Other side of parking lot:

  • Kettle swing with 35lb kettle

  • Jerk and press with 25lb kettle

  • Skull crusher with cinder

  • WWII sit-ups with feet nestled in cinder hole

  • Bent over row with cinder


  • Red Rover is played by diving a group into two teams that form two lines holding hands and facing each other. The lines should be 30-50 feet apart. The team chosen to go first calls for a runner from the other line, saying, “Red Rover, Red Rover, let Bitchacho come over!” Bitchacho then takes off running and tries to break through the other line. If Bitchacho is a wise player, he will choose what he judges to be a weak link for his effort. If the two players who are targeted are unable to maintain their grip and Bitchacho breaks through, he chooses one of the kids that he broke through to take back to his team. If he doesn’t break through, he has to stay with the other team. The game ends when everyone is in one line.

  • The game is fun because of the suspense of wondering when your name will be called and wondering whether the runner from the other team will choose you as the weak spot to try to break through. It’s not a highly competitive game as everyone ends up on the winning team.

  • Obviously the risk of injury is lessened if the kids are close to the same age and size. In addition, three practices should definitely be banned. The first is double-linking by holding each other’s wrists or arms. Hands only should be joined. The second is raising the arms high to “clothesline” the runner. The third is thrusting the joined hands outward so that the runner encounters the equivalent of an outthrust fist.

  • With the benefit of hindsight, this really had nothing to do with today’s workout

  • Q running late and no ability for chalk to adhere to the misty ground was a recipe for PAX confusion and poor execution

  • All was going reasonablty well until the 3rd set when upstream swimmers started to spawn downstream which caused chaos and confusion

  • Not a lot of mumble chatter to reflect upon, likely due to Pax being in a continual state of confusion

  • Good to see Double Double back in action, he left quite a phlegm deposit on the course as he is getting back to full strength

  • Best for all to just leave that one in the rear view mirror