Redemption Through Suffering

Event Date

Feb 15, 2025


Shake was the first to arrive at Bedrock and was spotted doing his daily ration of squats ahead of time. We can all learn from the man who does not like his martini’s stirred——-never skip leg day! 

Our own rubber band man Airstream brought the goods this morning and were put to use throughout the beatdown. ‘Stream mentioned we could have done a little more pull work – noted brother! PAX managed to get 1.5 miles of distance while doing a fair amount of lower body work and change of direction type movements. Exceptionally chipper group today with the expected  Q critics throughout!

Sentimental moment for Jethro and BagBoy being together at the same AO. It was nearly five years ago at Bailey Road Park when Jethro, who also happens to be a doctor,  noticed BagBoy having  heart attack symptoms. Jethro was able to get BagBoy to a hospital quickly where doctors were able to offer him proper treatment. 

thank you Moses for closing us with a heartfelt prayer about how Christ offers us redemption through suffering. 

It’s called the Morning Offering Prayer 

The Morning Offering is a traditional Catholic prayer in which a person offers their day, including their prayers, works, joys, and sufferings, to God. While it often includes the idea of uniting one’s sufferings with Christ’s for the redemption of the world, the specific phrase “redemption through suffering” is not necessarily part of the standard Morning Offering text.

There are different versions of the Morning Offering, but a common one is:

“O Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer You my prayers, works, joys, and sufferings of this day for all the intentions of Your Sacred Heart, in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass throughout the world, in reparation for my sins, for the intentions of all our associates, and in particular for the intentions of the Holy Father.”

So great being with everyone that came out this morning!

Humbly in Christ

