Event Date

Mar 20, 2022


REEBOC or REEBOK = Ride Extra Early Because Of Church/Kids

REEBOC kicked off the 2022 season with 4 pax this morning from The Green. FNG is Jon Wilson, aka Dr. James Spalding, who working with to get on the website.  We rode 27 miles total on our trip to The Point.  The group stayed together the entire time, trading pulls, and kept the advertised pace with a Strava verified 18 mph (18.9 rounded down).  

There were no tri bikes so we did not have to worry about running over falling bottles, squirrelly handling, and having no draft to tuck behind.  

The weather was beautiful, crisp and sunny.  Everyone commented that it felt good to be back on the bike since all had multiple months off it.  

No coffeteria this morning because had to get to church hence the name of the ride.

See you all next week!

Gray Ghost