
Event Date

Dec 28, 2024

Attendance: 8 PAX, which was impressive given the forecast.

C#, Soldier, Clark, Cheese, Diesel, BOS, Dirt, and Sonar.

It’s raining, so C# takes the Q with intentions of keeping the PAX dry.  With nothing ready other than a decent reflection, the plan was to take “refuge” under the cover of the gym, and do a prison cell type workout. 

The Thang:

We first warmed up with some of the usual stuff, but I mixed things up by doing them for a period of time, instead of in cadence.   Was very weird!  But it worked as the goal was to relieve PAX from counting and encourage mumble chatter.  

I did my very best to repeat as few exercises as possible, but keep us busy.  So we did sets of every exercise I could come up with.  Turned out ok as we put in some work.  With an occasional run out to a landmark and back when the rain was lighter.


Refuge for a rainy workout is a brick building with cover.

Refuge in times of trouble is in God.

Verse: Psalms 91:1-4 NLT
[1] Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. [2] This I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I trust him. [3] For he will rescue you from every trap and protect you from deadly disease. [4] He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection.

“My Pleasure”


