Refusenik Recover

Event Date

May 19, 2016


First and foremost, 6 for the Standard run – Jenny, Burnsy, Professor, 9 Lives, Stray, and YHC.  Some went fast (7:45 pace) and others felt like they went fast (8:30 pace).  If it were not for the Standard then recover would be useless. No offense.


As for Recover, Freepass thought it would be funny to make YHC Q without asking.  So…

"What are we doing?  Who is Q?"

"I am"


"So what?"

Luckily the pax decided to share the Q responsibilities and we did a little stretching, and some yoga, that may or may not have been correct.  Some did say the words "worst Q ever", but no feelings were hurt.

There was some mumblechatter.  We heard about Silver Bullet's firfighting prowess and his ability to man the top mounted water gun on the fire truck.  We also learned that some kids use TWSS with abandon at the age of 8.  We laughed a little.

To be fair, YHC has no clue what Yoga or stretching are and it would be a shame to hurt someone by doing stretches improperly.

Thanks a lot Freepass. It was better than the fartsack.