Stack. Man Maker Monday
Warm O Roma: 10 Slow Windmills IC X 10, carrot pullers/long snappers IC X 14, IST IC X 10, chin to knee (both sides) 5 count hold
Mosey around inner parking lot.
Grab KBT and Thang Super Stack- 8 exercises
PAX grap an index card from the stack, then callout & lead that exercise. 10 reps of each exercise then run across parking lot then back. Repeat and then add the next exercise then continue until all 8 exercises stack.
1. Curls, 2. Lawn Mower (ea arm), 3. Upright Row, 4. Squats, 5. Skull Crushers, 6. Shoulderpress, 7. Single Arm Press (ea arm), 8. KB Swings.
Great variation of curls by Yosemite (low & high curls), squats by Holiday (slow count down)
Standing 8 count X 10
Core: Mason twists IC X 10, Windshield Wahers IC X 10, Low Flutter IC X 10, Rosalitas IC X 10, Chest Press IC X 10, Mountain Climbers IC X 10.
Recover recover
Announcements: Memorial Day Murph convergence at Jason’s Deli Huntersville (Sam Furr Rd), @ 6:00am.
Prayers: unspokens