Release, I said ” Release”

3 pax for standard ( Amen, Ponch and YHC ) 11 Men posted for humid aka Hot Yoga at Stretch Armstrong

We did lots of stretching and mumblechatter. That's because Omaha is back. Also, Crocs and Ponch, Ultraman. UT mumblechatter? 


We moved to the back of First Watch building for some rail stretching. Pax look confused.

Left leg on top rail, Right leg on top rail 30 secs each leg. Release

Grab the top rail while other hand grabbing your right ankle, Flip Flop. 30 secs each leg. Release

Both hands grabbing top rail while lower your body. Feel the back stretch hold it for 30 seconds then release.

We moved back to our yoga mat

Here we go 

  • Plank
  • Side Plank
  • Downward Facing Dog
  • Upward Facing Dog
  • Pigeon right leg then left leg
  • Half Pigeon ( Per Goodlife, It's Mid Pigeon ) BTW, He is ready to Q at Stretch Armstrong. Just saying.
  • Pigeon Warrior One ( Crowd Pleaser ) Thanks to Ultraman
  • Pigeon Warrior Two ( Crowd Pleaserrrr )
  • Tree Pose ( Pax including YHC need to practice more often ) If hurricane come, we will be dead.
  • Runner Pose
  • Cobbler
  • Reverse Cobbler
  • Warrior One
  • Warrior Two
  • Reverse Warrior
  • Pre-Flight (on your knee, lift right arm then hold, lift left leg up then move it slowly. Move that wings) Flip Flop
  • Forward Fold
  • Dancer
  • Cornwallis Wall (Legs up the wall)
  • Child Pose
  • Catcher Pose
  • Half Lord of the Fishes ( That's weird name )
  • Standing Split
  • Supine Spinal Twist ( It may not approved by Outlaw )
  • Reclining Hand to Calf ( Hold it for 30 seconds ) Flip Flop
  • Cat and Cow Pose

Recover, Recover



Great work by all. It's an honor to lead my brother this morning.

YHC can't remember how many times I said " Release" on each yoga exercise. I even yelled,  "RELEASE!" Too much mumblechatter. We have to separate UT and SN. both can't be side by side while doing stretch. But I will give them credit for proper form. 

It's good to see new faces – Goodlife ( His comment was I'm not coming back, YHC said We haven't start at all) I think he was joking. Anyway, Omaha voluntold GL you have the Q in 2 weeks. Don't you worry Crocs you will be next on Q Stretch Armstrong. HoneySuckle Blue was here too. Crocs has the Night Ranger Q tonight 6/29 and Cauldron this Friday 7/1

Ponch aka SkyNet worked double shift and still going back for morning duty. Thank you for your service brother and Thank you to all first responders, Police, Medic, FF. Stay Safe.

Standard run before bootcamp, stretch armstrong is always good for your mind and body.

Blackbeard got loss this morning. He claimed he turned to wrong stop light. but he did showed up for coffee. Must be GPS map again from rucking. joking. Thanks for helping me on twitter account. You're all around tech savvy.

We lift up prayers to UT's mom, Stapler's father and family. BTW, Funeral this Friday at 230pm St. Mark's Catholic Church. 

Ponch took us out this morning with a strong message from Omaha's Crown Royal bag. No, We did not have alcohol. It's too early for that.

Welcome back master Q Omaha. He's been gone too long.

Something happened between Blackbeard and Skynet. Sorry, I can't share the details. It's rated PG 13 or PG. whatever you want to call. What happens in Stretch Armstrong, Stays in Stretch Armstrong!  

Titan Out!


