Releasing the anger

An even dozen at The Cauldron last Friday and here's what happened.


3-4 PAX met up for a couple mile standard, YHC was not one of them even though I PB'd it… sorry


Warm a rama

Mosey into the parking deck with bells in hand cirlce up



10 TS IC

10 Peter Parker Mericans IC

Grab your bell and mosey down the ramp to the very bottom


The Thang

The Force missed The Cauldron when YHC and Flo faced off and I felt bad that he missed out on the murder bunnies so we had to bring those back

10 Murder Bunnies up the ramp, 5 Burpees. Repeato until you got to the top

Couple of mary exercises until all PAX made it to the top

8 Count Burner x 10 IC

Curl x 10 IC

Overhead press x 10 IC

Skull Crusher x 10 IC

Partner up and mosey back down the ramp

  • Partner 1 runs to top of second ramp and back while partner 2 is Bear Crawling w/ one bell up the ramp. Stopping to do a merican after each step. Switch when runner gets back and repeato until the top of the ramp
  • Mosey back down
  • Partner 1 runs to top of first ramp and back and switch, partner 2 runs to top of first ramp and switch
  • Partner 1 runs to top of second ramp and back and switch, partner 2 runs to top of second ramp and back and switch
  • Exercises while waiting for partner (for form not quantity)
    • Curl
    • Skull Crusher
    • Lunges
    • Squat
    • J-Lo (x 50 IC after both runs)
  • Slow mosey back up the ramp
  • Jack knife LBC x 20 IC

Recover Recover

Name o rama



  • Great work by all this morning, there was some pretty unconventional things and y'all crushed it
  • Ponch is a natural born leader, always encouraging PAX and leading one of the running groups on an Indian run to push us instead of us just jogging on our own!
  • Thanks Force for the opportunity to lead

Until next time……. Mr. H