Remain Standing

Event Date

Oct 24, 2017


9 appeared from the gloom, looking to punch the sloth in the face.  Kotters to Anvil who returned from his knee surgery and is "about 1/3 of the way" through some vocational changes.  Great group this morning.

WarmUp: (x = in cadence)
20x SSH
20x mountain climbers
15x ISW
20x dippy birds (10/leg)
10x merkins

The Thang:
Everyone retrieves a 33# block from the back and returns to the end of the driveway.
3 groups of 3.  Two blocks setup to do deep merkins.

A runs LBH
B does block squat thrusters
C does deep merkins
Rotate through after A returns

Water break (carry block to go get water, or stay and plank)

A runs LBH (backwards up, forwards down)
B does trifectas
C "plank walks over the 2-blocks"
Rotate through after A returns

*** Metro has to leave early.  YHC fails to realize that we need his block too.  
Pax plank while Dandelion saves the day and retrieves a block from the culvert.

A runs LBH
B does curls
C "plank walks over the 2-blocks"
Rotate through after A returns

Set blocks to the side  #GoodcallAnvil
Instruction, reminder about Indian Runs.
Indian Run up the big hill.  #Goodformguys
10x monkey humpers because…well…there were some cars.
Competitor inside made me open up the return run as a jailbreak.

Return blocks to their home.
10 pull ups as reminder about Murph Monday next week.
Return for an extended Mary session.

20x LBC's
20x low flutters
20x box cutters (10 each way)
20x plank shoulder touches
10x low plank Peter Parkers
60s American Hammer

That's all she wrote.

Reflection:  Ephesians 6:13
"13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that WHEN the day of evil comes, YOU may be able to stand your ground, and after YOU have done everything, and REMAIN STANDING." (my emphasis)
– WHEN the day of evil comes, not IF…there are evil schemes and strategies at work right now…the Deceiver is prowling, just looking for ways to hurt your family, to twist words, and to distract you from God's plan for you and your family.  WHEN, not IF.
– Emphasized the YOU because YOU have a role in resisting temptation, YOU have a role in protecting your family, God is calling YOU to put on His armor.  Are YOU doing what YOU are called to do?
– REMAIN STANDING is emphasized because after you do everything, REMAIN STANDING.  Don't give up.  Just like most of the workouts we do, it seems like you are going to run out of energy and not finish.  No!  REMAIN STANDING for your wife.  REMAIN STANDING for your children.  REMAIN STANDING for your co-workers and neighbors.  
– Put on the armor of God, stand your ground, remain standing.
– extra credit, watch this fantastic message on this same topic

– T-claps to Hefty this morning.  He was talking with the surgeon yesterday about his ankle.  And today, he was working out and pushing up the hill.  Hang in there Bro.  This is merely a speed bump.  Take the opportunity to learn, to ponder, and to plan your return.
– T-claps to Tipper for such a warm greeting this morning.  Truly, he's one of the most kind guys I know.  #Loveyabro
– Shirley's pants were fantastic.  It was my goal to make him regret wearing pants…heh, heh  #itsthelittlethings
– T-claps to Dandelion for figuring out that we DID in fact need Metro's block to finish that last set.

Such an honor to lead you guys along my crazy workout plan.  You guys are the best.