Remember the Beavers

There was a chill in the air as I scoped out a somewhat unfamiliar A/O.  I posted at Mighty Oak at the launch with an insane amount of PAX, and I’ve been on a field trip or two from The Mighty Jungle – but this was my first visit in a while.  Pre-workout I visited the mound/hill in the field and debated whether it was too cold and wet for ELEVENS (more on that later)

Tagless ran in solo and then with a few seconds left til launch – we had a few PAX come in on two wheels.  They weren’t on bikes – they were just cutting it really close.  8 PAX (4 pairs of 2) Let’s go….


Mosey around the parking lot – karaoke, backwards run, finish the mosey and circle up.

SSH, IST, Cotton Pickers, Toy Soldiers, Mountain Climbers (grab a downward dog), Air Squats

THE THANG – An Ode to an Elementary Gym Teacher

Gerry Frazier – was my elementary gym teacher.  He started each class with the same routine – I still remember it nearly 40 years later. 

Sneaker & White Sock Check – Mr. Frazier didn’t allow dress shoes – or colored socks.  Dress shoes caused scuffs on the floor, the dyes from colored socks would leak into cuts in your feet and cause terrible infection.  Who knew?!?

White Socks and Sneakers – 5 Burpees (2 PAX)

Dark Socks and Sneakers – 10 Burpees (6 PAX)

Line up to amble across the parking lot:

Run up and back

Backwards run up and back

Skip up and back (Tagless can run like a gazelle – skipping – maybe not his thing)

One legged hop halfway – come back on the other leg

Broad Jump up and back

Repeato from Run to Broad Jumps

To prepare for the President’s Physical Fitness test each PAX practiced a minute of sit-ups

Mosey to the front of the school

Lunge Walk the length of the school

Find your partner

Partner A starts to bear crawl towards the basketball courts

Partner B drops and does 5 Mericans then catches Bear Crawler – flip flop repeato

Continue to the Street Light past the dumpsters

Next exercise – SSH x 20

Head over to the school for some People’s Chair with Air Presses

The Count told me about some cinder blocks – and I figured it was a better option than the wet hill.

Grab your blocks and circle up:

Curls, Overhead Press, Lawn Mowers, Sumo Squat, Reverse Curl (nice and slow)

Take a lap around the Parking Lot Track – NASCAR Style

Back to the blocks for a repeato of Round 1

Put the blocks away – take another lap Clockwise

Find your partner and return to the main lot in the fashion in which you came – partner bear crawls and Mericans

One final push – parking lot suicides visiting a total of 5 islands/stops


Pretzel Crunch, Hello Dolly, Low Flutters, Spell F-R-A-S-I-E-R with straight legs (should have been a Z – but as The Count pointed out – I sell Christmas Trees – must have had Frasier Firs on the brain).



          Mr. Frazier was a real guy and made an impact on a lot of kids.  I googled him after the workout and found an article about his retirement.  He retired after 36+ years at Belmont Hills (NE Philly).  He never missed a day of work, and was invited to over 50 weddings of past students – even giving away one of the brides.  Lesson Learned – find something to do that you love and you’ll probably impact a lot of people.  I ran into him about 5 years ago and he remembered me like I was still in his class.

          In 1977 the Devil mascot was deemed inappropriate – so we became the Blemont Beavers.  On our lunge walk we discussed the mascot.  It being the 70’s and all, there was speculation on what a beaver might have looked like then.  That’s all I’ll say.

          Schneider claims it was 4 months since his last post.  Great to have him with us.

          Prayers lifted up for Schneider’s mom and Travolta’s MIL.  Dolores and Micky – may God be with you.

          Speed for Need race on Saturday at Grand Oak.  Even if you’re not running, come support the Speed for Need racers.

          Thanks Swing State for the opportunity.  Always an honor and a blessing.