Remembering the Heros

Event Date

Sep 11, 2020

6 men for a hero inspired workout at The General.  Rambo still thinks his name is Wambo & Heat pump was also in attendance….he needs to get signed up.  


  • Mericans x 9 IC
  • SSH x 11 IC
  • IST x 9 IC
  • Windmills x 11 IC
  • Dwight Schrutes X11 IC

Tha Thang:

  • 6 -Burpees OYO/ run 2 laps around the island
  • 100 -squats OYO/ run 2 laps around the island
  • 10 -pulls up OYO/ run 2 laps around the island

Repeat for 3 rounds

Once all were finished, we completed 1 more round together and I explained to the PAX the reason for the random numbers for reps.

  • 5 -Burpees OYO

We completed 23 Burpees in remembrance of the 23 NY police officers that lost their live on 9/11.

  • 7- Pullups OYO

We completed 37 pullups in remembrance of the 37 NY Port Authority police officers that lost their live on 9/11.

  • 43 -Squats IC

We completed 343 squats in remembrance of the 343 Firefighters that lost their live on 9/11.

  • 11-WWII OYO

The 11 WWII were meant for the other 11 law enforcement official that perished that same day.

  • Run 2 more laps around the island

We completed 20 laps around the island for a total 2 miles of running and that is the distance that Firefighter Stephen Siller ran to get to Ground Zero.Stephen was getting off work that day and heard about the first plane that hit the Trade Tower.He headed back to the station, grabbed his gear and headed out to Manhattan.The problem was that the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel was already closed, but that didn’t stop him from throwing on his 60LBS of gear and racing through the tunnel for a 2 mile run to ground zero where he gave up his life while saving others.


Everyone called an exercise and we called it….Recover, Recover.


Thanks to everyone for showing up this morning and helping me to honor those that risked their life so that others could live. It's hard to believe that this happened 19 years ago…….we will never forget that day.  Bouncey or Rambo/Wambo has the Q next Friday and it should be a good one.  Until we meet again.   -E
