Repeat of Cally Java route from last week

Event Date

Oct 13, 2022


Warm up: run to movie theatre, calf stretch, SSH 20x, IST 10x, TS 10x, long snapper 10x

The thang: run thru birkdale to back entrance to robbins park, IST 10x, alt lung 20, diamond merkins 10x

run to robbins park rock pile, curls 20x, skull crushers 20x, shoulder press 10x, run to elevation church, merkins 10x, squats 10x, TS 10x, run to kenton place fountain, ssh 10x, alt lunge 20, merkins 10x, run back to home base

mary: none


Yes we are at Starbucks birkdale from here on out.  Some paxs went to summit coffee.

i was not at java last week and did not read BB, but I ran the same exact route as Cally Q the week prior.

i kept us off the ground because it was a little wet