Repeato of Last Weeko. . .

Event Date

Oct 16, 2021



You think I'm lazy, don't you? 

You think that because I decided to play Brisk Golf™ at Bailey Road again today—just like we did last Saturday—that I'm apathetic and exhibiting poor leadership skills. You probably think that I'm not creative enough to come up with something new. 

Well, before you pass judgement on me, sir, I ask one simple question: When's the last time YOU stepped up to Q Bailey Road Park, huh? 

I thought as much. 

Besides, it wasn't laziness as much as it was selfishness. The truth is that workouts are more fun when we're playing a game—especially when that game involves running miles and doing more than a thousand reps. So don't call ME lazy. Maybe YOU'RE the one who's lazy! Did you ever think of that? 

Anyway, last week's only participant, Mr. Holland, was AWOL, and today's recruits (Waffle House and Boar Hog) were not present at last week's festivities. Who am I to deprive them of the enjoyment that can only come from a game of Brisk Golf™? 


We completed 18 holes with crunches, merkins, squats, folding card tables, dry docks, and bear squats all well-represented in the rep count. 

With his unerring consistency with the disc, Waffle House was the clear winner, but Boar Hog and YHC took a few holes each so we weren't completely embarrassed. 

Hurley dog enjoyed the wilderness, the unbridled freedom, and the brisk pace, but got his most satisfaction from nearly killing us a couple of times ("Hey, I'm walkin' here!")
Film events this week: 'Treasure Island,' 'Midnight Cowboy'

The most enjoyable moments of the morning were Boar Hog's expletive-laden rants after missed shots on goal. It was good to have him back after an extended hiatus that he blamed on work but we knew was just fartsack fever. 

Oh, and Boar Hog nailed the Q in the noggin with a particularly energetic bullet throw, but claimed it was "an accident." Tell it to the judge, mister. 

More stuff happened, but you probably haven't even made it this far in the backblast so what do you care? I could write anything at this point and you wouldn't even realize that it was just gibberish. (This is where you would insert the joke about gibberish being indistinguishable from my typical posts, but since you're not actually reading this section, that opportunity won't even present itself, will it?)


I had a community yard sale to work and Waffle had some "family commitment," so Boar Hog was left with a fellowship vacuum that hopefully got filled by coffeeteria with The Estate or Mighty Jungle contingent. 

The bottom line: we had fun and got in shape. Show up sometime and find out for yourself. What are you, chicken?