Repeato repeato

Event Date

Mar 07, 2024

YHC arrived at 5 for a run and Amen and Ponch headed out for a ruck. At 5:30 we gathered back at the clubhouse and began.

Warmorama included:
painting the lines of the parking lot
SSH, hillbillies, toy soldier, IST, slow windmill, long snapper

Circuit 1 was at the picnic tables:
Step ups, dips, squats, incline merkins, rocky balboas

Mosey to the rock pile by the roundabout

Circuit 2 with rocks:
curls, shoulder press, BRO, skullcrushers, goblet squats
Mosey around the roundabout then repeato.

Mosey back to the parking lot
Circuit 3 was 4 corners:
Merkins, Squats, tippy birds, carolina dry docks

Mosey back to the clubhouse and passed around mary for 5 minutes.

Recover recover

Solid work across the board this morning. Was good to see Out Cold again after his trip to India. Ponch needs volunteers on March 12th for a training that involves drinking. Reach out to him for more details. Polar Bear this weekend in the Huntersville business park at 6:30. Christina Latini 8K March 16th. Continued prayers for Crab Legs and his family and all other unspoken request among the Pax. Thanks Amen for the opportunity to lead this morning.