Warm up
- 20 side strade hops, 15 cotton pickers (windmill style), 15 peter parkers, 20 mountain climbers
Main Workout
- (football field) bear crawl 35 yards 15 merkins IC (repeto 3 reducing merkins by 5 each time)
- 40 yards jump squats, 20 l.b.c’s IC repeto 3 reducing LBCs by 5 each time
- Mosey to Rock Pile
- Groups of three Rock pile quadrafillia dr. w’s merkins repeto 4
- Groups of three sprint all the way out and Mosey Back, world war two sit-ups up hill and Carolina dryu doc’s repeto 5
- Karaoke all the way out, merkins and sit ups repeto times 3
- Mosey to Home Base
- 10 Dr. w’s, low flutters for 1:oo
Reflection…Todays workout was about Repeatos…
Matthew 18: 21..Peter went to the Lord and said, When somebody sins against me, how often should I forgive him? Should I forgive him 7 times? The Lord answered, Not just 7 times but Seventy times 7 times.
This means to me that I should forgive others always and that you should keep repeating forgiveness.
Dear Lord, thank you for this wonderful day and this great time to work out. Please watch over all of us and make sure we are all safe for this upcoming week. Amen.
Sound Off
- School Bus comments about unpleasant views from the back of the line?
- Closer comments (multiple times) about workout not being fun!
- Sheriff let us know car in parking lot belongs to somebody in jail from 5 finger discounts at Wal Mart…we are free to use vehicle for Tricep Dips next time
- Multiple comments about Nittany not raising Frisbee the correct way
- How many yards of Bear Crawl?
- Nothing like crawling around on the ground after a rain day
- Double Check knows at least one word in Spanish that he can use to help his foreign exchange student he is sponsoring soon (Repetir)
- Super Fast IC counts for LBC
- Super Slow IC counts for Dr. Ws.
- Good Omaha by Frisbee at the end..cut Dr. Ws down from planned 25 IC to 10 IC