Repetitive Use Injury

Event Date

Aug 21, 2018

An odd number of seven repetitive attendees made it out on a surprisingly breezy August morning to practice the potentially contradictory activities of demonstrating and preventing repetitive use injuries.  True to form, it was rather repetitive.


Front skip, backwards skip, karaoka x 2, backwards run, SSH, TS, Windmills and cherry pickers

The Thang

The Quarry was formally introduced to The Accumulator

The Accumulator

10 rounds, and each round you add on 1 new exercise, until you have ACCUMULATED 10 moves (douche).  These were all performed with the aid of a pair of bricks/pavers

Round 1: 10 Mercans

Round 2: 10 Mercans, 10 jump squats

Round 3: 10 Mercans, 10 jump squats, 10 skull crusher

Round 4: 10 Mercans, 10 jump squats, 10 skull crusher, 10 lunges

Round 5: 10 Mercans, 10 jump squats, 10 skull crusher, 10 lunges, 10 curls

Round 6: 10 Mercans, 10 jump squats, 10 skull crusher, 10 lunges, 10 curls, 10 SSH

Round 7: 10 Mercans, 10 jump squats, 10 skull crusher, 10 lunges, 10 curls, 10 SSH, 10 lateral raise

Round 8: 10 Mercans, 10 jump squats, 10 skull crusher, 10 lunges, 10 curls, 10 SSH, 10 lateral raise, 10 shoulder presses

Round 9: 10 Mercans, 10 jump squats, 10 skull crusher, 10 lunges, 10 curls, 10 SSH, 10 lateral raise, 10 shoulder presses, 10 mason twist

Round 10: 10 Mercans, 10 jump squats, 10 skull crusher, 10 lunges, 10 curls, 10 SSH, 10 lateral raise, 10 shoulder presses, 10 mason twist, 10 10-part man maker Mercans

Apollo Creed set with brick accompaniment

  • OH press x 40 (rapido)

  • Jabs x 40

  • Uppercuts x 40

  • Cross x 40

  • Billy blanks x 40


  • Dying cockroach w/ bricks – 10 I/C

  • W or V ups w/ bricks – 15 I/C

  • Plank with alternating brick jabs (both sides)

  • Leg lifts with bricks with Pax counting down from 10 at preferred cadence


  • Q disclaimer at the beginning of workout that this could likely suck instills much Pax confidence

  • Assuming that the dangers of alcohol absorption into ones anus (aka, butt-chugging) may have been ground that had been already covered while on the way to drop their incoming freshmen off at college is a dangerous parental approach. They need to hear this kind of information from you Dad

  • Congrats to Twister on attending 5 of 6 LKN workouts during last week’s pirate challenge at LKN led by BlackBeard. The patch he got for this feat will be sewn prominently onto his jean jacket

  • Safety first, Captain

  • With back to school starting, Pinky is going and getting all urban on us again. ‘Twas a good shift this summer

  • When Q has writers workout block, Pinterest has some good boot camp ideas. Even the chick workout ones

  • It actually was not as bad as I had expected.Those bricks are light….

  • While F3 is a judgment free zone (allegedly), Q noted that not everybody did SSH with bricks in hand. Not one to name names, but they know who they are

  • The friars at Belmont Abbey brew Mead

  • How much clandestine beer smuggling do you think one can accomplish in a suburban?

  • Great work men!