Replacement Happy Birthday Q, not like an original

Event Date

Feb 12, 2024

4 PAX on a rain soaked, post SuperBowl Sunday, Monday morning showed at MMM. The conditions were NOT favorable for a good headcount this GLOOMY morning. Olive had to unfortunately step down from Qing on this Birthday 😞 (heal up buddy 🤕) due to a fractured foot. Ouch. The SuperBowl went into overtime and didn’t finish up until close to 11pm. Plus, the weather was less than favorable with rain showers throughout the previous day and expected to likely continue. However, 3 PAXs emerged to take on the #48 inspired POST, despite the pre mentioned conditions. Here’s how it went:

3 rounds of the following OYO, 8 reps of each exercise –

Overhead shoulder press, Skull crushers, curls, lawnmowers, and KB swing

2 rounds of Tabata style, each exercise performed for 48 seconds with 15 seconds rest –

KB LBCs, KB chest press, Glute Bridge holds, elbow plank hold

Warm-aroma: SSH or Hillbillies IC X 10, slow windmills IC X 10, carrot pullers IC X 15, IST IC X 10 

Repeato 3 rounds of OYO

Repeato 2 rounds of Tabata 


Daytona 500 this Wednesday at Discovery Place Kids, aka Mad Scientist.

Polar Bear plunge on March 9th – details from X below:

Polar Bear committee ( @freeedomjw

, @scrappyF3 ) is planning the most outrageous CSAUP event in F3. We have been cleared to reveal the launch date: March 9, 2024, launch time: 0630 and launch location:

35.4020482, -80.8…

8th Annual Christina Lantini Memorial Run/Ruck/Walk on March 16th

Prayers: unspokens, aging parents among PAX
