Reps and Steps

18 F3 Lake Norman Warriors rolled into the Cauldron this AM to close the week strong.

Go time: Mosey to the bottom of the garage.


SSH x20
IST x 15
Windmill x10
Mountain Climber x10
Toy Soldier x10


Starting at the ground level do 10 Reps each of Curls, Overhead Press, KB Swings and Skull Crushers, Set your bell down take the stairs up one level, run the ramp back down grab your bell and take the stairs back up to the next level. Same exercises, increase reps to 20. Bell down, take the steps to the next level up and run back down to the previous level, grab your bell, head up the stairs, guess what… same exercises increase reps to 30…. same deal 40 reps at the top. Reverse the process to come back down the garage, dropping 10 reps each level until you get to the bottom and burn it out.

Mosey up to the the lawn, line up and bell/bear crawl to the concrete pad for MARY.


YHC – LBC x15
Amen – What else?
Toxic – Dot the i
Estwing – Touch them heels… Flutter Kicks? I forget
Dewey – Burpees

Recover Recover

Solid work by everyone today. I came up with the idea for this at a previous Cauldron workout. Wasn't sure how it would go. But everyone was game and locked in. 


Prayers for Vivian, Ruth and Shane.
Register for the Christina Latini Memorial 8K, or donate if you can.

Thanks to the Force for the opportunity to lead. This is a great AO, lots of energy, good way to wrap the week.

See you in the gloom,
Bob Ross

