Resolve to Get Wisdom

12 men from Denver's famed Mustand and SVU AO's converged at The Rescue Park for TheMurph.  The convergence was the result of the last Monday being on Christmas morning and the wise realization that the LastMondayoftheMonthMurph can shift while Christmas morning can not.  Hundreds of texts, slacks, conversations, and general jibber jabber brought forth the LastAlternateSaturdayoftheMonthMurph.  Calories were harmed during this event.

– 1 mile run
– 100 pull ups
– 200 push ups
– 300 squats
– 1 mile run

Impressive work by all.
Thanks to Ziploc for bring his phone to the pull up bars.  YHC's internal interval timer was slower, although preferred by some.

Most did 20 sets of 5/10/15 to accomplish the feat, although I heard a few guys (Metro? Clark?) talking about some sets of 10/20/30.  YHC was happy to survive without worrying about others' methods of madness.

T-claps to…Bertha?  Dandelion? for suggesting that pull ups were easier if you stick your tongue to the bar…I don't even want to think about that…

Good reminder to find some gloves that are warm and have grip.  Mine weren't really either…t-claps to Clark for identifying $5 warm mittens at TheMart and suggesting dipping them in the grippy stuff.  Hmmm, sounds like an afternoon project.

Reflection: Double Bonus Day
Proverbs 4: 7
"The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom.
    Though it costs all you have, get understanding."
– seems obvious, step 1 in becoming wise is to get wisdom and understanding
– resolve this year to get wisdom
– where does one get wisdom?  May I suggest that God created the universe, this world, knew you before you were born, and gave His instructions to us through the Book of Life, your Bible.
– Resolve to improve your Bible reading habits
– Join me in committing to read your Bible for 15 minutes a day in Jan.  And then re-commit every month after.  You can do it if you realize how valuable the information is.  Start easy.  Read a few Proverbs a day and ponder and pray about how you can gain wisdom, understanding, discernment.  15 minutes is 1% of the day.  Figure it out.  Get it done.
– Maybe start with Proverbs 4, subtitled "Get Wisdom At Any Cost"?
Ephesians 5: 8-11
"For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord.  Live as children of the light"
– Before TheMurph, Abrams and I ran some laps.  We could have run without our headlamps.  Sure, we would have made it around, but it would have been slower and more risky regarding injury.  We didn't see any animals, but if there were any predators lurking, we could have sitting ducks.
– But with headlamps, we could see the ankle-breaker ruts, we could see the path clearly, we saw the path we were supposed to run and it was an easier path, we would be more likely to keep the predators hiding in their shadows.
– Brothers, being a child of the light is similar.  With God's wisdom tucked into your heart, you become a headlamp to those around you.  Not because you are better or smarter, but because you have wisdom and are walking closer with The Almighty God, the Prince of Peace.
– Be the headlamp to those around you.  Reflect God's love and wisdom to them to help them along the path and avoid the pitfalls and predators.

– T-claps to everyone for fighting through the cold, the 1:15 intervals, and the general malaise of holiday eating.
– T-claps to the leaders for setting up the convergence.  Need to do that more — and NOT on a Murph day.
– T-claps to Ziploc for setting up the Trail Run Training.  Check out his email.
– Think about your resolutions for 2018.  What do you need to learn?  What habits need to change or be added?

Always an honor and privilege to lead fellas!