Respect-Fest as Pigs Flew for THE Bonesaw

Event Date

Jul 20, 2017

6 hard-charger converged from all points of the compass for THE BONESAW. In the pax were SS Minnow and Clueless from Harrisburg, LKN veteran Shoe reported in from his new AO in  A51, while Riverboat, Outlaw and YHC served as ambassadors from the north.


Launch at Amelie's.  Half-mile run down N. Davidson to 25th.  Left on 25th up to Pinckney. Left on Pinckney down to 24th. Left on N. Davidson.  Repeat amrap.  Head for home at 50 min mark.  Fin.


1.  SS Minnow clobbered it in amazing fashion.  As always.

2.  Shoe served as a pioneer from the south. YHC believes him to be the first emissary from A-51 to check out Bonesaw.  Aye.

3.  Were those pigs we saw flying??  Must've been, because Outlaw came in for ye olde 'Saw.  #heisanofficalrunnernowtheresnodenyingit

4.    Clueless was not clueless about what to do out there.  He was bringing it.

5.  Bonesaw FNG Riverboat earned his first Bonesaw today as he sojourned in from the north.  You are ready for BRR sir.

With a nod to the now-deceased Mothership, Bonesaw stands alone for YHC as the toughest physical/mental challenge in the greater CLT region.  Though it's a "you vs. hill" event for individuals, YHC is fairly certain that I could not/would not accomplish what I do without the other pax on that course.  That hill taunts, haunts and torments the body and mind.  Great morning shipmates!  ISI at Bonesaw for sure.