
FNG was Hector (owner of Margarita's on 16, see moleskine, will finalize naming next workout)

23 converged from the gloom to wrap up F3DenverNC's Week of Respect(!).  T-claps to Hefty for organizing such a great week and to all the Q's and support from the pax across DenverNC metropolitan area.  Heavy things will be lifted. Shoulders will burn.  Sweat will pour.  And of course, the mumblechatter will be huge.  T-claps also to Anvil for co-Q'ing, coming up with the 50/50 theme, and for bringing the toys.  Here's how it went down…

Warm Up:
50x SSH  (of course)
10x windmills
2x10x dippy birds
20x shoulder touch merkins
10x imperial squat walkers

mosey down to the track for
Anvil's 50/50 Circuit:
Everyone partners up, partners with work together at each station, with 1 person doing the thing and the other resting, switching as need be until the timers return.
– Timer:  Burden Lap  —  Anvil brings his 100# anvil, 90# sand bag, 60# kettle bell, big long chain, Hefty coordinated having a 69# ruck coupons available, a few smaller kettle bells, and we had a couple gallon jugs of water for 2.0's.  Team picks a mass and walks a lap.  
– block squat thrusters
– tricep extensions with the heavy bands
– burpees
– merkins
– balls to wall handstands
(shoulders cry for mercy)
– plank shoulder touches
– concrete bleacher jumps

Interesting to see what everyone chose to carry around.  Hefty and SchoolBus raised some eyebrows by carrying the chain together.  Many interesting comments…not just from Clark
T-claps to the few that carried the anvil or sandbag.

YHC happily switches mode from 'carrying big stuff' to 'cardio' and brings out….
(it's like a suicide except so much worse; it's extra)
Cones at back of the end zone, the 20, the 50, the other 20, and back of the other end zone.
Like a suicide, cone 1 and back, cone 2 and back, cone 3 and back, cone 4 and back.
Everytime you get back, 10x Freddie Merc's + 10 merkins(burpees optional).
…and GO!…
T-claps to Mulligan who is the only one who chooses burpees!!
T-claps to Shirley, Anvil, and Salty who had the legs to lead the pax and be the first to plank for the 6.

Few Minutes of Mary:
20x flutter kicks
10x low dollys
30 seconds of 'merican hammers

pick stuff up and head back to the p.lot
23 total (Anvil, Fabio, Marker, Sonar, and YHC are Respectable age; all killin' it)

Original plan was the go with the "the older you get, the more you realize you don't know everything" and how much time I realize I've wasted, parlayed against Solomon's rant in Ecclesiastes 1 "Meaningless, meaningless, everything is meaningless!"
Then, this week happened, and the senseless killing of George Floyd and racial tensions and looting struck a cord.  A sad cord that I have a hard time understanding in so many ways.
And how should we as Americans respond.
And how should we as men of faith respond.
I'll be honest, I haven't figured it out yet, but I suggest we start with Love.
No matter how we respond, if it's not done without love, it'll be a clanging cymbal.
Love one another as I have loved you. –John 13:34
Love you neighbor as yourself. –Mark 12:30
And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love, but the greatest of these is love. –1Corinthians 13:13
So as you are discussing with family, friends, co-workers, on Facebook, consider love first.
Love you all.  Grateful we got to hang out this morning!

– T-claps to Hefty for taking it to the next level and making patches for all the Respects.  That's Love.
– T-claps to Anvil for arriving early so we could all play with his toys.  The signs.  Great Circuit.  That's Love.
– T-claps to SchoolBus for sharing his family's laundry process.  That's Love.
– T-claps to Twinkle for sharing his amazing weightloss story with Hector (owner of Margarita's on 16) and encouraging Hector to join us.  That's Love.  #giveitaway
– T-claps to Anvil and Salty for seeing a guy after The Murph and going back to meet that guy, and that guy here today on his 2nd workout.  That's Love.

Be the light in the world.  Reflect His love.
Live in the world and respond.
Start with Love.

Thanks for giving me the opportunity to lead.
Love you all more than I know how to express.