Restrictor Plate Racing

Event Date

Sep 20, 2022


Phase 1

We began by grabbing a steel railroad plate (30ish #s), forming a line and Indian running down to the Stumptown traffic circle and back up to the clubhouse. The person in front carried the steel plate.


Phase 2

Run down toward Gilead rd., stopping at the intersection with the stop sign, and then running back at a 5kish pace.


Phase 3

Run down the street adjacent to the parking lot turning around at the cul de sac and running back up the hill.


Mobility Moment


Mumble Chatter

*The steel plate did not seem to be very popular, but we did run rather fast with it. Kudos.

*Lots of talk regarding upcoming relay races.

*Sorry I forgot to take the steel plate with us on phase 3. I know that made many sad.

*Maybe next time I will remember to actually charge the headlamp before I bring it.