Results Are In

Event Date

Jul 07, 2020


July is not the time to be breaking speed records, even on the First Tuesday of the month at 5:30am.  It’s was hot and slow esp. for YHC.  We did have some notable accomplishments:

First – to be joined by Tweetie and his son Messi, great to introduce them to a few of our local Strava Segments – well done guys.

YHC – not sure how this happened, oh yeah, I am slow even on fast days

CL – was clearly ready to run as he did a few extra laps waiting for the pax to catch-up

Jorel – soon to be a runner and mountain biker

Rocket – in town this week posting or Q’ing everyday

Tagless – took care of business virtually

Ultraman – kept the group together, putting extra miles in circling back for the 6

As always, enjoyed the fellowship, even on the hot mornings.