Return of THE (Better) Buckeye

FNG-1 = Plumb Bob;

12 pax woke up this morning and only 4 of us knew what to expect (YHC, Cousin Eddie, Hat Trick, and Landline). Apologies for leaving out you out of the mention this morning Landline. I had forgotten you were at the last Buckeye.Quick mosey around the parking lot stopping in front of the football field.


  • IST x 10 IC
  • TS x 10 IC
  • Windmill x 10 IC
  • Carrot Puller x 10 IC

The Thang

Start at the endzone. Run 10 yards, perform the designated exercise, run back to endzone and perform THE Burpee. Add the next 10-yard run and exercise to the ladder. Build up until all 100 yards are completed.

  • 10-yard line – 5 Diamond Merkins
  • 20-yard line – 10 Allen Iversons
  • 30-yard line – 15 Plank Jacks
  • 40-yard line – 20 CDDs
  • 50-yard line – 25 Jump Squats
  • 60-yard line – 30 Peter Parkers
  • 70-yard line – 35 Merkins
  • 80-yard line – 40 Low Flutters
  • 90-yard line – 45 Squats
  • !!!TOUCHDOWN!!! – 50 LBCs

After the LBCs, we sprinted down the entire football field back to launch.



  • Touch dem heels x 10 IC
  • Rosalita x 10 IC
  • Jane Fonda x 15IC (each leg)
  • Dying cockroach x 15 IC
  • W x 15 IC
  • Pretzel Crunch x 10 IC (each leg)
  • Break Dancer x 10 IC (brought to you by not the Q this week AKA Omega)

Recover. Recover.



  • The mumblechatter was pretty even-keeled today. The 35 merkins was VERY well received by the pax.
  • Omega is having trouble remembering when he's supposed to Q this week. I believe our F3 dues paid for that handy-dandy calendar on the website to help you keep track!
  • The pax present at the last Buckeye have been noted as no-shows for this reintroduction (Outlaw, Scrappy, Stapler, Hollywood, Titan). It will be YHC's goal to make sure he has the Q at one of their regular posts and provides a beatdown to rival this one. 


Total exercise counts:

  • 50 Diamond Merkins
  • 90 Allen Iversons
  • 120 Plank Jacks
  • 140 CDDs
  • 150 Jump Squats
  • 150 Peter Parkers
  • 140 Merkins
  • 120 Low Flutters
  • 90 Squats
  • 50 LBCs

If you count the CDDs, that's a whopping 330 reps of merkins. All pax in attendance should be proud of that!


YHC will be travelling in the coming days, so this will probably be the last post until next Thursday. Needed to make sure it was a good one. Thank you Cousin Eddie for the opportunity to lead at Fission! Until next time – CB