Return of the ‘Diddy

Event Date

Oct 04, 2016


Seven of F3 Davidson's finest (above plus Riptide) realized that fifteen more minutes of beauty sleep would not make much of a difference and therefore headed out to the 5:15 AES.  As a special treat, P'Diddy was back – albeit one partial meniscus lighter than before.  After some "I'll try to keep up" BS from PD before we started it was quickly clear that he is back and better than ever.  Perhaps that meniscus was holding him back.  Anyway, here's what we did…

  • Town Green – Standard warmup stuff then mosey to the lot behind Summit Coffee.
  • The rest of the workout centered around a simple Town Hall circuit
    • Ten burpees at the top of the lot behind Summit
    • Run to the bottom of the lot @ Jackson St
    • Twenty squats
    • Run up Jackson to Main
    • Twenty pushups
    • Run down Main back to Summit
  • After one lap of the circuit we went to the picnic tables nearby
    • Alternating step-up x 20 IC
    • Dips x 15 IC
    • Bulgarian squats x 10 IC each leg
    • Ditka's picnic table press x 15 IC.  This is a standing shoulder press of a picnic table in a group introduced by Ditka.  Seven turned out to be too few for two tables and too many for one table.  One key takeaway from this exercise – get on Curd's side of the table as he was carrying more than his share of the load!  (Thanks to Genghis and Riptide for the tip.)
  • Repeat the Town Hall circuit two more times
  • Break for Mary – LBC x 15 IC, H2H x 15 IC, Crossover LBC x 15 IC, Mason Twist x 15 IC
  • Repeat the Town Hall circuit three more times
  • Repeat the picnic table exercises
  • Back to the Green for more Mary.

COT – Special prayers for a friend of GK's battling MS and one of P'Diddy's friends whose son was injured in a car accident.  We also asked for safe travels for the brothers headed to the AT this weekend.

Moleskin – All kidding aside it was great to have P'Diddy back out in the Gloom this morning.  As Curd said, "a one-legged P'Diddy is better than most".