Return of the KB Burnout Train

The Cauldron 

September 30, 2022


Burn Out Train




15 SSH 

10 Imperial Stormtroopers 

10 windmills 

10 hillbillies 

10 carrot pullers 

5 burpees 




KB’s were spaced out in two rows from heaviest 45 lb to lightest 15 lb dumbbell 


Two lines.  One person begins with the heaviest KB


45 lb KB – 10 reps

35 lb KB –  15 reps

30 lb KB –  20 reps

25 lb KB  –  25 reps

15 lb DB  –  30 reps


The rest of the group runs down the ramp and up the stairs then run back down to the KBs. 


While waiting on a line to open:


10 Mericans 

10 WWII sit ups

10 Carolina dry docks 


This helped keep a back log and having to wait to begin the KB. 


Then head through a line of KBs


1st Round- swings 

2nd Round- skull crushers 

3rd round- curls

4th Round-shoulder press

5th Round- squats 

6th Round- lawnmowers 


Some of the PAX was able to begin a 7th round with an exercise of their choice.  




Pretzel crunches

Homer to Marge

Low flutter 




Great work by everyone this morning. 

Thanks to Bunyan & Over Budget for your 45 lb KB for us to use. 

Good to see Toxic out this morning giving support to everyone while he walked the steps and ramps with his own music blasting. 

Also good to see Fescue complete his first week back. 


