15 men showed for a return to the Ramp beatdown.  Here's what we did:

10 Toy Soldiers IC
15 Cotton Pickers IC
10 Windmills IC
15 Mountain Climbers IC
Downward Dog
Pidegon Stetches

Against counsel's advice, we mosey'd up to the ramp for this morning's version of Dora.

Partner up

100 merkins – Partner 1 does merkins while Partner 2 runs up ramp, across lot, down stairs, and back to start.  Flip flop and repeato up to 100 reps.

200 LBCs – #1 does LBCs while Partner 2 runs.  Flip flop and repeato up to 200 reps.

300 squats – #1 does squats while #2 runs.  Flip flop and repeato up to 300 reps.

Mosey to Chipotle and grab a block.

10 full curls
10 skull crushers
10 bent over rows
10 shoulder presses
10 chest presses
Run lap around lot
Repeato x 2


15 Rosalita – DeepDish
15 LBCs – Jenny 
Recover, recover


That first post after a holiday is always tough.  Great effort by all this morning.  

Not much mumblechatter, but 9 Lives thought enough about my health and well being to check me on my "full curl" form.  Nice!

WarDaddy was Oyster, Warbaby was Little Professor.  We had 6 for coffeteria afterward.  Great catching up with Riverboat, Shaken, Jazzhands, and Oyster.

Toxic has the Q next week, but the calendar is open afterward.  There is a user friendly option on this very website to sign up to Q.  Choose Calendar, click on the desired date, choose Edit, choose your name, click on Save, click on Update Current.  Thanks!

As always, I appreciate the opportunity to Q and lead this devoted group of men.  

Deep Dish
