Revealed: Mary K uses the AES as his Cool-Down!

Eleven Faithful gathered at the Green at 5:15AM for the Advanced Early Shift, Tuesday edition.  We lost our twelfth when he heard that we were going all the way to the back of Baker; he decided to wait for Late Shift and I trust he had a good workout with the 5:30 crew! 

Here's what we did.


SSH, Mtn Climber, Merkin, Imperial Walker, Squat, Alternating Lunge. 

Run to back of Baker Sports Complex.

Pull-up Rack Work:

15 dips IC, 10 pullups, 10 incline merkins IC – run to last light pole and back

10 dips IC, 10 pullups, 10 incline merkins IC- run up stairs/ramp and back

10 dips IC, 10 pullups, 10 incline merkins IC- run to last light pole and back

10 dips IC, 10 pullups, 10 incline merkins IC- run to Track

Stadium Work:

10 squat box jumps – run up and down twice

10 squat box jumps, 10 Bulgarian Squats (5/leg IC) – run up and down twice

10 squat box jumps, 10 Bulgarian Squats (5/leg IC), 10 jump squats (IC) – run up and down twice

Run to front of Chambers for Mary plus Pushups:

LBCs x15, Lo Flutter X15, Merkins X10, Heels to Heaven X15, Hi Flutter X15, Wide Merkins X15, Freddy Mercuries X15, Mason Twist X15, Diamond Merkin X10

Run back to Green for quick Pain Lab type stretch.



Devo announced a new workout at River Run on Mondays at 5:30am – it started yesterday.  Only a few of us on Twitter had heard of it before today.  (F3 Davidson average age is about 52, so Twitter is not popular among the ranks.)

It was good to be back at the Old Rack behind Baker.  I once had a picture of NBA MVP and Champion Steph Curry doing pull-ups there, so you are in good company!  Just couldn't find it today – still looking!

Pull-ups in cadence don't work.  Went back to OYO on Mindfreak's suggestion!

Squat box jumps are a lot harder than regular box jumps – crowd-pleaser when combined with stadiums and other leg work!  Somehow it all looked easy for Drumstick and his tree-trunk legs!

Mary K typically works out at the River Run weight room before  he comes to the Advanced Early Shift and other Village Green workouts!  Now how do you (and I) feel?

As always, pleasure to lead!  See you in the Gloom!