Revenge of Sisyphus

Just as the deceitful Sisyphus was punished for his deceitfulness by being forced to roll an immense boulder up a hill only for it to roll down when it nears the top, repeating this action for eternity, so the Race City Pax were led by YHC to run hill repeats in the early gloom.


Consisted of an almost 1 mile mosey our to the base of Jet Hill.

The Thang

Once all Pax were present at the base of said hill, YHC instructed the Pax to run (sans boulder) Jet Hill to the top (the next intersection) and then return to the bottom and repeato AMRAP with a reconvene at the base of Jet Hill at 0605. The six was gathered at 0605-ish and we moseyed back to the AO for COT.


Minimal complaining and maximum effort was observed for this painful hill work. All Pax managed 5 to 6 repetitions. The only way to get better at running hills is to run hills. So there's that.

Good to see Rent A Cop out in the gloom for a morning run. Now we need to work on his parking skills.

Brushless, Totebag, Goodell , Big Mean and Pierogi were out Bookbagging with an early start. Meanwhile while the other 8 Pax were making heavy, dark lines for their Strava posts, repeating the same ground over and over and over.

HDHH tonight at Ultimate Ales.

Thank you Hurdle for entrusing me with the Q for the fastest AO in Race City.