Reverse (?) Indian Run

Event Date

Mar 18, 2017

5 pax gathered in the 50 degree rain to finish out their miles for the week.  For some of us (YHC), it was our first and last miles of the week.  Major Tom and ?? met us at the launch time having already put some miles on their shoes.  Good work, men.

We warmed up with a lap around the track and then gathered for some simple warm-ups.  

Thang:  Reverse Indian Run around the track.  

One guy sprints opposite direction from the pax until we meet on the other side of the track and continue until all 5 have sprinted one time.

Gathered under the shelter for:

  • Low Slow Iso-Lunge (x10, flap-jack, x10) – CROWD PLEASER
  • Merkins x7, Werkins x10, Crucifix merkins x7
  • (werkins – start in plank position with head near the wall, put right hand on wall, then left and then back down with each hand; lead with opposite head the next time and so on)
  • Crucifix merkins x7, Werkins x10, Merkins x7

Repeato Reverse Indian Run, opposite direction around the track

Repeato work under the shelter

Repeato Reverse Indian Run

Repeato Reverse Indian Run


  1. Tclaps, Rock Lobster – thanks for taking us out
  2. Minime, kept is MO and verbal momentum throughout.  The only times we stopped talking were during his sprints.  Actually, he may have been talking then as well, but we just didn't hear him.  So, if a Minime falls in the forest and nobody is around, does he make a noise?
  3. You may not know this, but Professor is a slight perfectionist.  With only 3 cars in the 600-car parking lot, he had to reposition his car after his first parking attempt left him 2 inches off-center. Good thing, too, because I was about to unload on him.
  4. Strong return for RockLobster from an early week stomach bug.
  5. 66 – thanks for setting the pace!
  6. Professor finished the week an impressive 38.6 miles and hardly winded.  If you're interested, he can also let you know how many of those miles were on which pair of shoes, the average temperature of the shoes pre and post-workout, and his exact caloric intake.  Did I say perfectionist?  Maybe there's another word… It will come to me…