Reverse Indian Run???

Event Date

Nov 12, 2018

Mondays are run day workouts right?

I was surprised by the number of pax out on this somewhat chilly monday.  I had a simple plan in mind, and we stuck to it.  

Warm Up

20 Mountain Climber IC
10 Merkins IC
10 Sqauts IC

The Thang

Round 1
Reverse Indian Run around parking lot 
Plan is to circle the parking lot with the Pax lined up for an indian run
First runner takes off ahead of pax around parking lot to catch up to the rear of the rest of the pax
Once first reaches tail of the indian run, next lead runner takes off, to circle and catch up to the pax.
Repeato for 10 minutes
Sounded good in my head, in practice it was a bit of a cluster, and trailing pax seemed to speed up as Q was circling.  All had their turn running and rejoiced.
Q calls plank for the 6 back at start

Round 2
Partner up, speed doesn't matter 🙂
Task is run around the parking lot
Partner one heads counterclockwise
Partner two heads clockwise
Where they meet, fist bump, and circle back to start, fist bump and circle back out
Repeato for 10 minutes
Q calls plank for the 6 back at start

Round 3
Indian run around full parking lot, last man drops for 3 merkins and sprints to the front
Q calls plank for the 6 at start

Mumblechatter regarding the lack of a shovel flag
10 burpees for the pax
10 more burpess for the pax for good measure


20 dolly partons ic
20 freddie mercurys ic
10 fire hydrant – each leg ic
10 jane fonda – each leg ic
20 peter parkers ic
20 lbc ic
1:30 american hammer

Corinthians 13: 4-7
"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always persevere."

As always, welcomed the opportunity to lead and be lead.
