Rhetorical Questions, Routine on the Fly and Reach Arounds

10 men emerged from the gloom expecting, well, nothing really. (Pro Tip: make the preblast vague so no one complains about being mislead). The preblast did mention something about delayed-onset-muscle-soreness so we had to do something. Here’s what went down:WARMORAMATook a lap around the HT parking lot doing side shuffles, karaoke, backwards runs and other shenanigans. This is where the mumblechatter began…and never stopped. I dish it out plenty regularly, so I expect it in return when I’m Qing. It may have seemed like I was making this routine up as we went along, but I had been planning this since 5:30 this morning. *winkCircle Up for some other warming exercises:SSH x20icIST x9icWindmill x9icMountain Climbers x10icSlow Deep Squat x9icMerican x9icMosey to the alley with blank walls:People’s Chair with Reach Around x20icHip Slappers x9icPeople’s Chair with Heel Touches x20icTrue Peter Parker’s (feet on the wall) x9icMosey to the first neighborhood square:Corner 1- 5 MericansCorner 2- 10 MericansCorner 3- 15 MericansCorner 4- 20 MericansCorner 1- 10 LBCsCorner 2- 20 LBCsCorner 3- 30 LBCsCorner 4- 40 LBCsYHC figured out there was a sidewalk through the middle of the square so we did a (digital) figure 8:Run a figure 8 stopping at each of the 8 turns for 8 CDDs.Mosey to the next neighborhood square:Lunge Walk up, Side Lunge, Reverse Lunge back, Side LungeIndian Run to the last neighborhood square:Bear Crawl up, Plank Walk Sideways, Crawl Bear back, Plank Walk SidewaysCorner 1- Low Flutter 10icCorner 2- Low Flutter x15icCorner 3- Low Flutter x20icCorner 4- Low Flutter x25icMosey to brick planters for some made up exercises that will never be done again:Squat to Sit and Lift Knees (Name Pending, picture a Jane Fonda type move on a bench) x20icSuper Step Ups x15ic each legStep over to the getaway cars for what could be salvaged as MARY:Dying Cockroach x9icTHE Burpee (in honor of our Master Q)MOLESKIN:-I may have asked “Is everyone good?” too often this morning. Even though it was meant to be rhetorical, the responses were numerous and varied. Some called the rhetoric Bob Ross-ish.-I haven’t been to this AO regularly as of late, so it was awesome to see faces I don’t normally see and meet some new ones, too.-The bear crawls combined with plank walks was a dumb idea, sorry.-Always great to see Fenway at a boot camp. Guy’s a beast of a runner and always pushes hard no matter the task. The LBCs for the 2nd round were his idea.-The 3rd neighborhood square smells a lot like nicotine. The onlooker (pronounced on-lurker) producing such things was as curious about us as we were him. An invitation to join our madness fell on deaf ears (or maybe clogged lungs?)-Stromboli is proving the bionic abilities of his new hip. Some hinted the replacement is sponsored by Titleist. Nice work!