Right Turn Clyde

Event Date

Feb 26, 2019


9x Pax and 1x dog for running the ridge and a lot of right turns at Fartlek.


Thanks to Crab Legs for Sophie’s F3 name, “Goose”, which he bestowed on her last year during BRR training.  Good name for Top Gun's dog.  


For those that have ever watched Clint Eastwood’s “Every Which Way But Loose”, you will recognize the quote “Right turn, Clyde”.  If not, you really need to get a blast from ’78 past and check it out on youtube.


7x hard chargers were ready to launch at 0510, but the Pax kept pouring in by land and by car.   We skipped the disclaimer and went straight to instructions:


Run out to the SE end of Glade Court to the cul de sac, the run down Glade Court until you get to a manhole cover at the cul de sac at the other end.  Drop and do 10x Carolina Dry Docks.  Get up, run to the next right turn.  Run till you hit a right turn, keep turning right or dropping at manhole, whichever comes first.   Repeato, repeato, repeato… until you hit 0600 then RTB to the AO.


Funny way the neighborhood is set up, all you have to do is run till you get a road on the right, turn down it until you get either the end or another right turn, and you just keep running for miles and miles without ever getting over a mile from the AO.


At the first cut de sac, YHC dropped and did a demo of what 10x CCDs on your own (OYO) looked like.  Definitely mumble chatter of:


“I thought this was a running workout?”  And

“What are these things on my arms?”   Triceps, me thinks?


At the end of one cul de sac, there was mention of


“I’m gonna sniff your butt” while the pax were doing CDDs.  I think that was Goose projecting her thoughts, but can’t be sure.  We're not that kind of group.  


At one corner, YHC was cleaning up a “Goose dropped a number 2” while all the pax ran by.  Holding their breath was advised, but strangely it wasn’t as bad as the usual Toxic and Amen emissions.  You know you are getting infamous when people mention you in black blasts that you didn’t even attend!


The majority of pax heading back to the AO right at 0600 getting back around 0605.


Three hard chargers got in another mile and half.  Tclaps to Mr. Burns, Dallas, and Crab Legs, our rabbits for the day!


The rest of the pax got around 4 to 4.5 miles, with YHC getting 5.0 by running to and from the workout.  Ultraman logged the most with 7.0 by running a mile before and after the workout.  The rabbits pulled down between 6.0 and 6.5.  As stated in the preblast, your mileage may vary (YMMV).


Mumble chatter after the run consisted of a discussion of how many miles you could log if you did “Right Turns” for the entire neighborhood all the way to Gilead and back.  15?  20?  We could even do our own half marathon and never leave the neighborhood!


Good times were had by all.  Good to get a little hill action in before the P200 and never to early to start prepping for the BRR.  Also nice to pass the rabbits in a left to left merge every once in a while and getting a "good job, TG" as they go by.  Sometimes it's that little bit of encouragement that keeps me from stopping and gasping for breath.


Thanks to Die Hard for the chance to lead!


Top Gun sends,
