Righteous or Wicked???

Event Date

Aug 04, 2016


7 emerged from the gloom, ready for a Thursday BEATdown.  Sweat was made and dripped.

The rest of the PAX in spirit – Missed you…

Our PAX was ONLY a meager 3 strong as of 5:30am, but ended up maxing @ 7 in count by the end of SSH.


  • SSH – 50IC
  • Mountain Climbers – 25IC
  • Windmills – 10IC

The Thang:

Mosey to gather @ the top of the LBH (Little Baby Hill), please…

  • Plank Jack – 25IC

Mosey to gather in the parking lot, please…

  • WW1 Sit-ups- 25IC

Mosey to the back playground, grab a block, circle up, please…

  • Curls for Girls – 25IC

Meat Grinder:

  • Step-ups – 15 is the counter
  • Little Baby Dips
  • Hanging Toe Touches
  • Aussie Rows
  • Decline Merkins
  • Zig Zag Hops
  • Pull-Ups

Mosey to gather @ the top of the LBH, please…

  • Plank Jack – 25IC

Mosey to gather in the parking lot, please…

  • WW1 Sit-ups – 25IC

Mosey to the back playground, circle up, grab a block, please…

  • Skull Crushers – 25IC

Meat Grinder:

  • Step-ups – 15 is the counter
  • Little Baby Dips
  • Hanging Toe Touches
  • Block Presses
  • Decline Merkins
  • Zig Zag Hops
  • Squats

Circle up, grab a block

  • Block Rows – 25IC

Return blocks, mosey to gather in the parking lot, please…

  • WW1 Sit-ups – 25IC

Mosey to gather @ the top of the LBH, please…

  • Plank Jack – 25IC

Mosey to Mary in the parking lot, please…

Time for Mary:

  • Per Gillette: LD – 15IC
  • Per Goodwrench: Windshield Wipers – 10IC
  • Crazy Cheetahs (American Hammers) – 30ish seconds


Proverbs 29:2

As the righteous grow powerful, people rejoice; but when the wicked rule, people groan.

To be honest, the word “groan” stuck out to me 1st? Was the inspiration behind my workout. So… Does that make me righteous or wicked? You decide. On the flip side, in my humble opinion, as we choose the next “elected” ruler of our great nation, no matter what swim lane that you are in, we will be forced to choose one that isn’t so righteous. I foresee much groaning. Here’s to a more Jesus-like pool of future leaders to pick from.  


·         Continued prayers for Metro Dog’s friend Greg & family, including thoughts for a safe journey for the Metro Dog clan as they travel south to Alabama to drop their eldest off @ the University of Alabama, Roll Tide! Also, please pray for continued healing of Cheetah’s groin (say a prayer for his wife while you are @ it) as well as for Vortex & his foot issues. & others & more…

·         Q wore himself out, hope the same for the rest of the PAX.

·         I do 3 – 4 sets of 40 – 50 Merkins every other day on top of the F3 stuff, has really helped w/ the block work & more. I poke & prod for you to try it…

·         My 1st couple of Q’s were designed to limit my own verbal cadence counting, somehow that was thrown out the window???

·         Nice chat w/ Goodwrench & Clark after the workout, enjoyed it.

Another purposeful lead today men, thx for that.

My Best, Dandelion