Ring Around the Oak Tree

YHC's first F3 post was at The Mighty Oak on 5/5/2021, so as far as AOs go, it has a dedicated spot in my heart.  That, and the fact that it is less than a mile from my house, made for an easy decision to assume the role of MQ from the esteemed Kosar upon learning of its availability.

A beautiful showing of 16 PAX + YHC on this humid morning were clearly ready for a sweaty beatdown.  Quick disclaimer, then mosey behind the school and around the track doing a variety of high knees, butt-kickers, and karaoke.  Circle up.


  • SST x 25 IC
  • Imperial Storm Trooper x 10 IC
    • ?At this point Popcorn made a "joke" about 100 SSTs in cadence, so YHC obliged
  • SST x 25 IC
  • Toy Soldier x 10 IC
  • SST x 25 IC
  • Slippery Dip Can x 16 IC
  • SST x 25 IC
  • Down in High Plank to stretch the calves
  • Mountain Climber x 20 IC
  • Plank Jacks x 20 IC


Parner up with each pairing grabbing a block.  Note: There are 13 blocks left at The Mighty Oak, so any donations would certainly be appreciated.  Parner 1 sits on the wall while Partner 2 does exercises in cadence, followed by a swap until everyone has completed all activites.  Thank you to Rodeo for calling cadence while I was on the wall.

  • Exercise 1:  Curls x 10 IC
  • Exercise 2:  Skull Crushers x 10 IC
  • Exercise 3:  Bent Over Rows x 10 IC
  • Exercise 4:  Overhead Presses x 10 IC
  • Exercise 5:  Squats x 10 IC

Blocks back, then mosey to The Mighty Oak tree itself (which most PAX in attendance have never actually visited).  Circle up on the sidewalk surrounding the tree.

  • All PAX run to the center for 10 dips OYO, then run back to the sidewalk
  • Counterclockwise lap around the tree
  • All PAX run to the center for 10 incline merkins OYO, then run back to the sidewalk
  • Counterclockwise lap around the tree
  • All PAX run to the center for 10 dips OYO, then run back to the sidewalk
  • Clockwise lap around the tree
  • All PAX run to the center for 10 incline merkins OYO, then run back to the sidewalk
  • Clockwise lap around the tree

Sprint to hill, Quadraphilia up it, then line up for a Moroccan Night Club Commander run around the track.  Arms out to the side alternating palms up/palms down while the last person in line runs to the front.  1.5 laps of this then an easy mosey back to the front of the school for:



  • 100s x 25 IC
  • Scissor Stretch x 10 each leg IC
  • Right Side
    • Bicycle Front x 10 IC
    • Bicycle Back x 10 IC
    • Front/Back x 5 IC
    • Double Taps x 10 IC
    • Small Circles x 10 IC
    • Big Circles x 10 IC
  • Left Side
    • Bicycle Front x 10 IC
    • Bicycle Back x 10 IC
    • Front/Back x 5 IC
    • Double Taps x 10 IC
    • Small Circles x 10 IC
    • Big Circles x 10 IC
  • Mobility Moment?
    • Left/Right Pidgeon
    • Catcher's Pose

Recover, recover.



  1. ?Thanks to the guys who came out this morning, it was great seeing new faces, veteran faces, and faces who don't normally show up to Wednesday boot camps.  Hope to see you again soon!
  2. POS and Deadhead have been crushing it, with both on the calendar for Mighty Oak VQs at the end of the month.  Let's rally the troops to support them in a couple of weeks.
  3. The calendar is now open starting in August, so if you don't sign up voluntarily I will definitely be annoying you shortly.
  4. Have a great rest of the week and please stay hydrated!